By Edward Black
Caedmon in Celtic Whitby found his gift of song
later Scottish ballads in declaiming
and Chaucer with French words rhyming
all added to our poetry pudding
Sir Henry Neville wrote all “Shakespeare”
in sonorous rolling phrasing
encapsulating all thought and knowledge in that era:
Our Supreme Standard-Bearer.
The Age of Reason brought thought
and philosophy so taut
not much fun there
My Dear, I fear !
The Romantics described God in Nature
and man’s mind even loftier:
a thousand times more beautiful
than the earth on which he dwells
Manley Hopkins made language go so very far -
poetry scaling new heights to describe God’s Grandeur
Thomas Hardy, then, for me is the best
well ahead of the rest
but, for most,
Yeats singer of songs comes up to the mark
But since – who else has the divine poetic spark ?
Wystan Hugh Auden and Edward James Hughes !!
© Edward Black April 2020
Edward can be contacted at: egblack@hotmail.com