New Publications: Objects in Hardy and Conrad
The French Association for Thomas Hardy Studies (FATHOM) has the pleasure to announce the publication in FATHOM, the French e-journal of Thomas Hardy studies, of its latest issue on "Objects in Hardy and Conrad".
Table of contents:
- Introduction (Annie Ramel): Objects in Hardy and Conrad.
- J. B. Bullen: Tess of the d’Urbervilles, Apollon, Dionysos et Stonehenge.
- Robert Hampson: Joseph Conrad’s Objects.
- Nathalie Martinière: “He had tied a bit of white worsted round his neck”: Focusing on details in Heart of Darkness.
- Adrian Grafe: Observing Objects as Mutability and Meaning in Thomas Hardy’s Human Shows (1925).
- Isabelle Gadoin: “Looking into Glass”: Moments of Unvision in the Poetry of Thomas Hardy.
- Stéphanie Bernard: Boats and Knitting Machines: Objects of Doom in Hardy and Conrad.
- Catherine Lanone: Kairos and Mistiming : Clocks, Watches in Thomas Hardy’s Far from the Madding Crowd and Joseph Conrad’s Lord Jim.
- Josiane Paccaud: The “Obscure Odyssey” of the Object in Conrad’s “Karain”.
- Annie Ramel: The Ring in The Mayor of Casterbridge: Gaze and Voice as Surplus Objects.
- Andrew Hewitt: The Use of Weapons for the Production of the Uncanny in Hardy and Conrad.
- Ludovic Le Saux: Objects or Subjects? Pictoriality and Domesticity in Tess of the d’Urbervilles.
- Jane Thomas: The Footprint as Object in Thomas Hardy’s The Woodlanders (1887) and Joseph Conrad’s Almayer’s Folly (1895).
The papers can be freely downloaded at this link: