A Hardy Walk Around Fordington
A THS Conference/Festival Event
Thursday 28th July at 1.30pm
Photo © Mark Chutter
A walk around Fordington - Hardy’s Durnover and Mixen Lane. The walk will culminate in poetry/prose readings on Fordington Green with refreshments available to be purchased from ‘Bean on the Green’. Please bring a rug /picnic and your favourite Hardy poems/prose extracts!
Led by Mark Chutter. Mark's grandmother was born in Pound Lane, lived in Mill Street as a child and then lived in the Old Vicarage from 1942-1971. This was the home of Reverend Moule and Hardy was a frequent visitor.
Meet at The United Church, South Street, at 1:30pm. Please wear appropriate footwear.
Tickets are £5 and can be booked here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/a-hardy-walk-around-fordington-tickets-373837336537
For any enquiries please contact Dr Tracy Hayes - THS Secretary - info@hardysociety.org