The Longing of Thomas Hardy and Edward Thomas
A Lecture by Suzanne Conway
For the Edward Thomas Fellowship
In person and Via Zoom - Sunday 5th March at 2.00pm
The Longing of Thomas Hardy and Edward Thomas – an interactive talk - looking at ‘Like the touch of rain’ and Hardy’s ‘At Castle Boterel’. Booking required.
Suzanne Conway is a poet, writer and teacher. Her poems, articles and essays are published in Acumen, The Poetry Review, The Dark Horse, The Rialto, The Moth, Ambit, Newspaper Taxis: Poetry after the Beatles (Seren), The Result Is What You See Today: Poems about Running (Smith/Doorstop), The North, The Journal of the Friends of the Dymock Poets, and elsewhere. Suzanne teaches Literature at the University of Exeter and is working towards a Ph.D in Creative Writing. She is writing a collection of poetry, and a series of essays on ‘Tantalising Vagueness’ – Intimacy and Distance in the Poetry of Edward Thomas. Suzanne has taught English and creative writing for over sixteen years at GCSE, A level and university level. See for more details.
This event is FREE. Booking forms are available from Dr Jeremy Mitchell at the Edward Thomas Fellowship - or Dr Tracy Hayes at the Thomas Hardy Society -
Starts 09:00 until 18:00
Starts 12:00
Starts 12:00 until 19:30
Starts 12:00 until 14:00