2024 marks the 120th anniversary of the publication of Thomas Hardy's 'The Dynasts'
The Dynasts is a drama in verse and prose by Thomas Hardy. Hardy himself described this work as ‘an epic-drama of the war with Napoleon, in three parts, nineteen acts and one hundred and thirty scenes’. The three parts were published in 1904, 1906 and 1908. This study day will consider the text in the light of its context and new meanings will be extrapolated.
Speakers will include Alban O’Brien, Dr Tony Fincham and Mark Damon Chutter from THS. There will be a meal in the evening cost £38.50 at King’s Arms, Dorchester. Contact the hotel directly to book: 01305 238238
Venue changed to Dorchester Library, South Walks House, Charles St, Dorchester DT1 1EE
£35 Non- THS Members
£30 THS Members
£25 Students
Please book tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-dynasts-a-thomas-hardy-society-study-day-tickets-707676949807
The King’s Arms in Dorchester will offer Thomas Hardy Society members only a room for £100 per night for all events (the deal does not include breakfast - room only). Please contact the hotel to book your accommodation directly: 01305 238238
Saturday 6 April 2024
Dorchester Library
Starts 11.15 am
11.15-11.45 - Introductory Remarks - Mark Chutter
11.45-12.00 - Coffee
12.00-13.15 - ‘The Dynasts’: a rattling good history by a melioristic pacifist’ - Dr Tony Fincham
13.15-14.15 - Lunch
14.15-14.45 - `History begins at home': Hardy’s Cottage and the Wider Wessex of The Dynasts - Alban O’ Brien
14.45-15.15 - `Barred Doors Open Windows': Walks in the Shadow of Jude - Rosaleen Wilson
15.15-15.45 - Tea
15.45-17,00 - A guided walk around Fordington (featured in The Dynasts)
The King's Arms
6.00-7.00 Readings from The Dynasts in the Casterbridge Room
7.00-8.30 Supper in the Casterbridge Room*
*£ 38.50 (this must be booked individually with the hotel before the event on 01305 238238. The hotel will also offer accommodation at £100 per night excluding breakfast)
Event location map
Starts 09:00 until 18:00
Starts 12:00
Starts 12:00 until 19:30
Starts 12:00 until 14:00