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Looking for "casterbridge"

The 'Casterbridge' Walk [Event]
This is a two-hour walk led by Dorchester's own Town Crier Alistair Chisholm. Beginning at the Town Pump it will take in various 'Casterbridge' sites

A Walk around Thomas Hardy's Casterbridge [Event]
This is a walk investigating Hardy's Casterbridge, led by Town Crier Alistair Chisholm and THS Chairman Tony Fincham

The Mayor of Casterbridge Dorchester Walk [Event]
'from Pummery Ridge to Maembury Ring and Standfast Bridge'

Outer Casterbridge: Hardy and History Walk [Event]
A Hardy Birthday Weekend Walk to Coincide with the Platinum Jubilee

The End of Casterbridge? [News]
One of the most distinctive aspects of Dorchester is the sharp cut off between town and country on the northern side.

'Casterbridge' - A New Hardy Adaptation at The Space [Event]
By Not-The-Way-Forward Productions

Dorchester Heritage Open Day - Free Guided walk: Thomas Hardy [Event]
Dorchester Heritage Open Day - Free Guided walk: Thomas Hardy

Outer Casterbridge: Hardy and History [Event]
A Festival of Archaeology Walk led by Mark Chutter

Thomas Hardy Society Birthday Weekend [Event]
Thomas Hardy Society Birthday Weekend

The Kings Arms [News]
Welcome to The King's Arms, a real hotel fictionalised in The Mayor of Casterbridge.

The New Hardy Players present The Mayor of Casterbridge [News]
Adapted for the stage by Philip Goulding

2016 THS Conference [Page]
Celebrating 130 years since the publication of The Mayor of Casterbridge

Save Our Countryside! [News]
Take a Walk for STAND (Save the Area North of Dorchester) - Developers want to build an urban area larger than Poundbury on Hardy’s Far From the Madding Crowd country.

Philip Lange - The Pianist of Casterbridge [Event]
A Performance of Music Contemporary with Hardy and a Schubert Sonata for the Thomas Hardy Society Conference 2021

Dorchester Through the Lens of Thomas Hardy [Event]
A Talk by THS Chairman Mark Chutter Hosted by Dorset Museum

Louise Leigh- Distracted [Event]
As part of the Hardy Har comedy festival, Louise Leigh brings her show Distracted to the historic Casterbridge room at the Kings Arms Hotel

Thomas Hardy's Dorchester [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Event

The Mayor of Casterbridge - Mirthy Bookclub Q&A with Dr Tracy Hayes [Event]
Exploring the 'Life and Death of a Man of Character'

McCarthy Stone Thomas Hardy Poetry Competition [News]
Win £150 Book Vouchers!

Hardy and Architecture Study Day [Event]
Discover how Thomas Hardy was inspired by his love of Architecture

Beyond Egdon [Page]
Beyond Egdon Dorset - Thomas Hardy Country

Hardy Annuals In Words and Music [Event]
Thomas Hardy In Words & Music

Christmas in the Courtroom [Event]
A dramatic and musical celebration of Yuletide

Thomas Hardy Society and STAND Walk (Save the Area North of Dorchester) [Event]
A walk across water-meadows and down-land under threat by developers

Madding Crowd [Event]
Come and join us for a fun and informal discussion group. Each week, we will read a section of Thomas Hardy's novel, Far from the Madding Crowd, discussing our thoughts about the text.

The Dynasts: A Thomas Hardy Society Study Day [Event]
The Dynasts is a drama in verse and prose by Thomas Hardy. Hardy himself described this work as ‘an epic-drama of the war with Napoleon, in three parts, nineteen acts and one hundred and thirty scenes’.

Palm Sunday THS & STAND Walk [Event]
A walk in support of Save The Area North of Dorchester.

In the Footsteps of Thomas Hardy [Event]
Join us for A Walk Around Dorchester in the Footsteps of Thomas Hardy

THS Birthday Weekend [News]
It was an extremely successful weekend - the weather was glorious. Richard delivered a brilliant sermon regarding Hardy at the service at Stinsford.

Novels [Page]
Complete Texts of Thomas Hardy's Novels

Hardy Society Birthday Weekend [Event]
The annual event celebrates Thomas Hardy's 185th birthday with a full programme of events and activities

Dorchester Literary Festival | A Walk Around Dorchester in the Footsteps of Thomas Hardy [Event]
Dorchester Literary Festival | A Walk Around Dorchester in the Footsteps of Thomas Hardy

Hardy Perennials by Brenda Sharp [Page]
An original dedication

Hardy’s Fordington [Event]
A walk through Hardy’s Durnover

A Hardy Postcard Collection in Virginia [Page]
Joyce Hurt Teaches Hardy in America

Stinsford and North Dorchester Walk [Event]
In conjunction with STAND (Save the Area North of Dorchester)

'Love, praise, indifference, blame' [Event]
Phillip Mallett, University of St Andrews. This talk looks at some of the 150 or so poems Hardy wrote about his first wife, Emma, after her death in 1912.

Short stories [Page]
Short stories

The Thomas Hardy Archives at the DHC [News]
The raw materials of research and discovery

Jude the Obscure Study Day [Event]
Jude the Obscure is a novel by Thomas Hardy, which began as a magazine serial in December 1894 and was first published in book form in 1895

The 2022 Thomas Hardy Society Birthday Weekend [Event]
A Jubilee Weekend Walk, Lecture, Supper and Evening Performance

Thomas Hardy Birthday Weekend - June 2021 [Event]
Events from the Thomas Hardy Society to commemorate the author's birth 181 years ago

Thomas Hardy’s Loss [News]
A Lament by Dorchester Town Crier Alistair Chisholm

Mark Chutter - The White Apron, The Skimmity Ride and Subversive Religion in Hardy's Mixen Lane [Event]
A Keynote Lecture for the Thomas Hardy Society Conference 2021

THOMAS HARDY AND SYLVIA TOWNSEND WARNER STUDY WEEKEND IN DORCHESTER, 10-11 FEBRUARY 2024. The study weekend organised jointly by the Thomas Hardy Society and Sylvia Townsend Warner Society, led off on Saturday 10th Feb with a day-long mini-conference in the Learning Room of Dorchester Library

Thomas Hardy Society Birthday Weekend 2021 [News]
Celebrating Hardy's 181st Birthday!

Hardy and Patriotism by Professor Fred Reid [Event]
The 2022 THS Birthday Weekend Lecture

Dorchester Vintage Bus and Coach Running Day [Event]
WHOTT Celebrates Under the Greenwood Tree

Talk: Mary Channing [Event]
Come and join the chairman and academic director of the Thomas Hardy Society in a talk about Mary Channing.

New Publications: Objects in Hardy and Conrad [News]
The French Association for Thomas Hardy Studies (FATHOM) has the pleasure to announce the publication in FATHOM, the French e-journal of Thomas Hardy studies, of its latest issue on "Objects in Hardy and Conrad".

Thomas Hardy and Sylvia Townsend Warner: Wessex Writers [Event]
Thomas Hardy and Sylvia Townsend Warner: Wessex Writers

Hanging, Punishment and Justice in the Works of Thomas Hardy [Event]
A Lecture by Mark Chutter

Thomas Hardy Victorian Fair 2021 [Event]
A Mixture of Online and Interactive Activities and Presentations

Exploring Hardy's Upwey [Event]
Walk, Talk and AGM

Women and Witchcraft in Lolly Willowes and The Withered Arm [Event]
A Talk by Mark Chutter for Shire Hall Museum

D-Day for Dorchester by Alistair Chisholm [News]
The S.T.A.N.D (Save The Area North of Dorchester) coordinating group is gathering together the various challenges to the development of this site

Thomas Hardy and the Influence of Conflict [Event]
At Dorset Museum with Kate Adie, Phillip Mallett and Tai-Chun Ho

Revised THS Programme 2020 [News]
A revised programme in light of Covid-19.

Thomas Hardy Society Conference 2010 Report by Brenda Parry [Page]
Brenda's highlights of the 2010 Conference

Twenty-Fourth International Thomas Hardy Conference and Festival - 2021 [Event]
The rescheduled conference IS STILL GOING AHEAD!

Make Your Voice Heard! Support STAND! Save Hardy's Wessex! [News]
Oppose Cultural Vandalism!

The 26th International Thomas Hardy Conference and Festival [Event]
The 26th International Thomas Hardy Conference and Festival

A Hardy Family History Research Trip [Page]
Val Weedon researches her family connections to Thomas Hardy

Hardy's Wessex Under Threat! [News]
Proposed North of Dorchester Development

Obituary for Helga Schulz [News]
A Dedication to a Life-Long Lover of Hardy

Save Our Dorchester, Save Your County Town! [News]
Stop the development of 4000 on the Water Meadows!

Hardy and Shakespeare by Tracy Hayes [Page]
Thomas Hardy's relationship with Shakespeare began at a relatively early age. At 13, while attending Isaac Last's school, he had already read all of Shakespeare's tragedies

The Dynasts Study Day [Page]
The Dynasts is indeed both a rattling good history by a melioristic pacifist and a work of epic proportions!

Links [Page]
Links to Societies promoting Thomas Hardy

Thomas Hardy Birthday Weekend 2023 [Event]
Hardy, Dorchester and World War I

Unsung Heroes of HardyLand - Margaret Marande [Page]
A series celebrating the individuals who work behind the scenes to provide us with unique Hardyan experiences.

Timeline [Page]

Thomas Hardy: A Beginner's Guide [Page]
Thomas Hardy: A Beginner's Guide

Thomas Hardy Lecture Series [Event]
Free Lectures Hosted by Mirthy Online Community

STAND and Thomas Hardy Society Walk Report [News]
A walk to discover how much beautiful Wessex countryside will be lost

A Thomas Hardy Society Book Review by Dr Tracy Hayes

2019 THS Study Day [Page]
2019 marked the 145th anniversary of the publication of Far From the Madding Crowd

Life [Page]
Thomas Hardy

2019 [Page]
Minutes from the 2019 AGM and details of Accounts

The Short Stories of Thomas Hardy Chapter 4: Death, Dying and the Macabre [Page]
By Patrick Tolfree

Hardy's Silly Soldiers - Tracy Hayes [Page]
Hardy's Silly Soldiers

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