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Looking for "hardy novels"

Novels [Page]
Complete Texts of Thomas Hardy's Novels

Thomas Hardy Lecture [Event]
Thomas Hardy: The Novels, The Novelist and Dorchester

A Laodicean - Part of the Novels of Ingenuity Trilogy [Page]
An Adaptation by Rose and Ann-Marie Goldthorp

Cambridge Critical Edition of Thomas Hardy's Work [News]
Later this year, the first volumes of the critical edition of Hardy's novels and short stories will begin to appear from Cambridge University Press (CUP).

'Flawed Icons and Verbal Texts: Textual Criticism and the Cambridge Edition of the Novels and Stories of Thomas Hardy' *This event will be presented v [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Lecture by Professor Richard Nemesvari *This event will be presented via recording*

Thomas Hardy in Words & Music - a special performance at Stinsford Church [News]
Thomas Hardy in his own words: poetry, novels, and the music - A Beautiful Thread, with Anton Lesser and Orchestra of the Swan

Hardy's Wessex [Page]
Hardy's Wessex

Madding Crowd [Event]
Come and join us for a fun and informal discussion group. Each week, we will read a section of Thomas Hardy's novel, Far from the Madding Crowd, discussing our thoughts about the text.

Thomas Hardy and Religion by Richard Franklin [News]
Theological Themes in Tess of the d'Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure

How Hardy Frames His Texts [Event]
Dr Mary Rimmer, University of New Brunswick, Canada

Culture Club – Thomas Hardy in Words and Music [Event]
For this month’s Culture Club, we’re joined by the Hardy Annuals for an evening of Thomas Hardy in Words and Music. Come and enjoy readings from Hardy’s poems and novels,

A Beautiful Thread: Thomas Hardy in Words and Music [Event]
A Beautiful Thread celebrates Thomas Hardy in his own words: poetry, novels, and the music he loved so much With Anton Lesser and Orchestra of the Swan

Short stories [Page]
Short stories

Dr Hugh Epstein - The Nature of Awareness in Hardy's Fiction CHANGE OF DATE AND TIME [Event]
The Thomas Hardy Society Annual Lecture 2020 CHANGE OF DATE AND TIME

Hardy's Regrets [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Evening with Dorset Film Maker Rose Goldthorp

Resources [Page]

THS Study Day 2022 - Under the Greenwood Tree [Event]
In Conjunction with the University of Exeter

Save Our Countryside! [News]
Take a Walk for STAND (Save the Area North of Dorchester) - Developers want to build an urban area larger than Poundbury on Hardy’s Far From the Madding Crowd country.

The Bugler Story by Rick Pulford [News]
Author and scriptwriter Rick Pulford is working in partnership with the Hardy Society to develop an intriguing episode in Thomas Hardy’s last years for the big screen.

'Fallen Wessex: Hardy's Subversion of Milton's Paradise Lost' [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Lecture by Dr Tracy Hayes

Edward Bourne - Drawing Hardyland [Event]
A Presentation of Drawings Inspired by Hardy's Wessex

'Hardy the Novel Character: Recreations of the Author in Three Modern Works of Fiction' [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Lecture by Professor Paul Niemeyer

A Friendship Beyond Belief [Event]
Two Dorset Poets William Barnes and Thomas Hardy - Alan Amos is something of a poet himself, which makes him keenly interested in these two Dorset poets.

Max Gate, Hardy's House [Event]
Max Gate, Hardy's House - Visit Thomas Hardy's House

Word Takes Wing by Wyvern [Event]
Word Takes Wing - an original folk-drama taken from Hardy's notebooks

Thomas Hardy: Fate, Exclusion and Tragedy [News]
A Brand New Sky Arts Documentary for September

Hardy's Budmouth [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Event

Lecture by Paula Byrne: Hardy Women: Mother, Sisters, Wives, Muses [Event]
Paula Byrne offers a fresh perspective on Hardy’s life, exploring it through the lens of the women who shaped him

Timeline [Page]

Shaftesbury Fringe, Hardy Annuals - Jan Wyld, Richard Willetts, Richard Hall [News]
Shaftesbury Fringe, Hardy Annuals - Jan Wyld, Richard Willetts, Richard Hall. Thomas Hardy was fascinated with music

Thomas Hardy and Tess at Sturminster Newton Literary Festival 2023 [Event]
Featuring 'The Second Mrs Clare' by Michael Langridge - sequel to 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles'

Hardy and Costume: An Interactive Workshop [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Workshop with Lucy Brown

Unsung Heroes of HardyLand - Mike Nixon [Page]
A series celebrating the individuals who work behind the scenes to provide us with unique Hardyan experiences.

New online resource to explore fashion in Thomas Hardy’s writing [News]
The new film version of Thomas Hardy’s Far from the Madding Crowd feeds into the ongoing fascination for fashion depicted in classic novels and their modern adaptations for TV and film. A new online facility has been developed by the University of Exeter and Dorset County Museum to catalogue referen

Thomas Hardy: A Beginner's Guide [Page]
Thomas Hardy: A Beginner's Guide

Hardy and Gothic Wessex [Event]
A Weekend Conference Featuring Dorset's Darker Side!

Hardy and Milton: Subverting Paradise Lost [Event]
A Mirthy Group Lecture by Tracy Hayes

Alan Hollinghurst [Event]
Alan Hollinghurst will be in conversation with Mark Chutter about his new book Our Evenings


The Chosen by Elizabeth Lowry [Event]
The Chosen by Elizabeth Lowry

The Thomas Hardy Society Conference and Festival 2022 [Event]
Registration is Open!

Gender and Hardy [Event]
A Talk for Salisbury Museum by Dr Tracy Hayes

Thomas Hardy Confidential [Event]
A fascinating fresh appreciation of a great writer and the people and places he immortalised.

Wyvern - Word Takes Wing [Event]
An original folk drama drawing on the notebooks of Thomas Hardy

2021 THS Student Essay Competition [News]
Hardy and Religion

'Hardy's Subjunctive Mood' [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Lecture by Professor Tim Armstrong

Thomas Hardy Lecture Series [Event]
Free Lectures Hosted by Mirthy Online Community

Unlocking Thomas Hardy – opening up the finest Hardy archive in the world [News]
July 2023 - Urgent fundraising appeal

Temporalities and the Body in A Laodicean [Event]
A Keynote Lecture by Professor Pamela Gilbert for the Thomas Hardy Society Conference 2021

Thomas Hardy and Art [Event]
From the National Gallery’s Collection in 1861 to Hardy’s exploration of artistic themes in his poetry and prose

Professor Jane Thomas - Desperate Remedies: Hardy's Youthful Manifesto [Event]
A Keynote Lecture for the Thomas Hardy Society Conference 2021

Christmas in Mellstock [Event]
A weekend of Music and Song from the West Country as immortalised in the Poems and Novels of Thomas Hardy

The Short Stories of Thomas Hardy: An Appraisal [Page]
A Monograph by Patrick Tolfree - Edited and with an Introduction by Phillip Mallett

The Mayor of Casterbridge - Mirthy Bookclub Q&A with Dr Tracy Hayes [Event]
Exploring the 'Life and Death of a Man of Character'

Thomas Hardy and Religion at Sarum College [Event]
A Day Course Led by Richard Franklin

William Barnes and Thomas Hardy: Study Day [Event]
The Barnes Society and the Thomas Hardy Society are pleased to present a joint study day on Saturday 26th October

THS Study Day 2021 Call For Papers - Tess of the d'Urbervilles [News]
A day devoted to Hardy's best-loved book!

[CANCELLED] Darkest Wessex: Hardy and the Gothic Short Story [Event]
A Hardy Country Series Lecture by Dr Tracy Hayes

'Hardy and Heritage' - An International Conference [Event]
A CFP from FATHOM - The French Association for Thomas Hardy Studies

Reflections on Hardy and Notre Dame takes Patrick Tolfree Prize [News]
Student essay links Hardy's architectural writings with the Notre Dame Cathedral fire.

Great Things [Page]
An original musical score by Wasyl Sydorenko, with words by Thomas Hardy

Tess of the d'Urbervilles - Rescheduled Annual THS Study Day 2021 [Event]
A day of talks and seminars celebrating Hardy's best loved novel.

2021 THS Study Day [Page]
2021 will mark the 130th anniversary of the publication of Tess of the d'Urbervilles

Important Thomas Hardy Correspondence Purchase [News]
Important letter will guarantee long-term access to Archives

Tess of the d'Urbervilles - Annual THS Study Day 2021 [Event]
A day of talks and seminars celebrating Hardy's best loved novel.

Obituary for Helga Schulz [News]
A Dedication to a Life-Long Lover of Hardy

Call for Papers: 'Green Hardy' [News]
FATHOM (French Association for Thomas Hardy Studies) Seeks Submissions

THS Birthday Weekend [News]
It was an extremely successful weekend - the weather was glorious. Richard delivered a brilliant sermon regarding Hardy at the service at Stinsford.

Thomas Hardy Society visit to Stourhead [News]
The Thomas Hardy Society visited Stourhead on Saturday, 28th September, with a private viewing of the original letters

Hardy and Shakespeare by Tracy Hayes [Page]
Thomas Hardy's relationship with Shakespeare began at a relatively early age. At 13, while attending Isaac Last's school, he had already read all of Shakespeare's tragedies

When I set out for Lyonnesse [Event]
When I set out for Lyonnesse, One hundred and fifty years ago. A celebration of Thomas Hardy’s first visit to Cornwall in March 1870

Hardy and the Classroom [News]
Two recent events by Thomas Hardy Society members for teachers and students of nineteenth-century texts at GCSE Level

Call for Papers: Wessex - Landscapes, Histories and Identities [News]
Seeking Contributions for a new volume on Wessex

A Thomas Hardy Society Book Review by Dr Tracy Hayes

Thomas Hardy's Wessex [Event]
A Three-Night Tour of Discovery and Inspiration

Thomas Hardy: Wessex Love Songs [Event]
Music in Country Churches - Minchinhampton

The Wessex Dramas Project [News]
Thomas Hardy's stories as films and podcasts. Here is the first copy of what is now our quarterly newsletter.

Thomas Hardy Birthday Weekend 2023 [Event]
Hardy, Dorchester and World War I

Unsung Heroes of HardyLand - Margaret Marande [Page]
A series celebrating the individuals who work behind the scenes to provide us with unique Hardyan experiences.

The Pre-Raphaelite Art of the Victorian Novel: [Page]
The Pre-Raphaelite Art of the Victorian Novel:

Best and Worst Poems of Thomas Hardy [Page]
A Blog by Thomas Tyrrell on Hardy's Poetic Oeuvre

The Thomas Hardy Archives at the DHC [News]
The raw materials of research and discovery

Life [Page]
Thomas Hardy

Pascale Petit - Tiger Girl [News]
A new poetry collection

One hundred letters sent to Thomas Hardy made public for the first time [News]
Thomas Hardy’s position as one of Britain’s preeminent writers meant he received thousands of letters from fans, friends and members of the public to express their admiration or enlist his support.

The Dynasts Study Day [Page]
The Dynasts is indeed both a rattling good history by a melioristic pacifist and a work of epic proportions!

The 26th International Thomas Hardy Conference and Festival [Event]
The 26th International Thomas Hardy Conference and Festival

Hardy/Larkin Conference Weekend [News]
A conference held at Kingston Maurward to celebrate Philip Larkin's birthday and the 70th anniversary of his Hardy pilgrimage

Save Our Dorchester, Save Your County Town! [News]
Stop the development of 4000 on the Water Meadows!

A Thomas Hardy Christmas Quiz! [News]
Hardy 100 Years Ago - by Rod Drew

Links [Page]
Links to Societies promoting Thomas Hardy

The Trumpet-Major: A Happy Wessex Pastoral Romance or a Clumsy Historical Narrative? - Faysal Mikdadi [Page]
The Trumpet-Major: A Happy Wessex Pastoral Romance or a Clumsy Historical Narrative?

Hardy's Silly Soldiers - Tracy Hayes [Page]
Hardy's Silly Soldiers

A Tribute to Professor Rosemarie Morgan [News]
R.I.P. Colleague, Mentor, Friend

Time, Memory and Emotion in The Trumpet-Major - Andrew Hewitt [Page]
Time, Memory and Emotion in The Trumpet-Major

Going The Rounds 2025 - Parish Performance [Event]
Going the Rounds 2025 - Friday's performance includes walking the parish

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