Search results
Looking for "hardys cottage"
The Hardys at Stinsford [Event]
The Hardys at Stinsford - A Celebration of Thomas Hardy's Musical Heritage with the Beaminster Gallery Quire
Hardy’s Isle of Slingers: The Well-Beloved [Event]
An exploration of all the mystical island of Portland
The Hardys at Eton [Event]
An excursion to Eton College to view Thomas Hardy artefacts.
Exploring Egdon Heath [Event]
Led by Joy Wallace and Wendy Barter Smee this is an opportunity to get into the countryside beyond Hardy's Cottage and listen to Hardy's poems
Hardy’s Puddletown [Event]
An exploration of Weatherbury
Thomas Hardy Landscape Walk [Event]
National Trust August Walks
The Face At The Casement [Event]
?Readings and Poems to be recited outside St. Clether Vicarage, the 17thC cottage which was home to William Sergant, Hardy's love rival for Emma Gifford.
Hardy’s Fordington [Event]
A walk through Hardy’s Durnover
Hardy’s Purbeck: Eliza Nicholls & Ethelberta [Event]
The Hand of Ethelberta & A Pair of Blue Eyes
Thomas Hardy's Dorchester [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Event
Book Launch - ‘Thomas Hardy and the death of Emma - What the writings reveal ‘ by Andrew Norman [Event]
Book Launch‘Thomas Hardy and the death of Emma - What the writings reveal ‘ by Andrew Norman
Hardy's Budmouth [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Event
A Hedgehog Hospital for Dorset [News]
The raffle at the 2024 Conference Dinner was in aid of hedgehog conservation. After discussion about the possible impact the Hardys’ unruly terrier, Wessex, might have had on Hardy’s description of the Max Gate hedgehogs as being ‘furtive’, £204.32p was raised
Visiting Hardy's Houses [Page]
The Kersley-Allinson family visit Max Gate and Bockhampton
Under the Greenwood Tree: music and dance [Event]
A musical recreation of Under the Greenwood Tree
Mark Chutter - The White Apron, The Skimmity Ride and Subversive Religion in Hardy's Mixen Lane [Event]
A Keynote Lecture for the Thomas Hardy Society Conference 2021
'Hardy's Subjunctive Mood' [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Lecture by Professor Tim Armstrong
Greenwood Grange [News]
Welcome to Greenwood Grange, originally built by Thomas Hardy's father and just a 10-minute walk away from Hardy's Cottage.
The Hardys and the Suffragette Movement by Tracy Hayes [Page]
The Hardys and the Suffragette Movement
Tatterdemalion and Tim Laycock - 'Satires of Circumstance' [Event]
A Musical Performance of a Treasured Volume of Hardy Poetry for the Thomas Hardy Society Conference and Festival 2021
'Thomas Hardy's Pure English' [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Lecture by Dr Gregory Tate
Temporalities and the Body in A Laodicean [Event]
A Keynote Lecture by Professor Pamela Gilbert for the Thomas Hardy Society Conference 2021
Mr Hardy - Stories That Take You Into the Heart of Nature [News]
The Rites of Way With Mr Hardy Project
Going the Rounds 2023 - Sold Out [Event]
SOLD OUT - Going the Rounds 2023
Celebrate Hardy's Birthday at Hardy's Cottage! [Event]
Tours, Cake and Lemonade at Bockhampton.
Professor Jane Thomas - Desperate Remedies: Hardy's Youthful Manifesto [Event]
A Keynote Lecture for the Thomas Hardy Society Conference 2021
Sharing a Wedding Anniversary with Hardy [Page]
John and Maureen Currie travelled from the U.S. to share their 36th Anniversary with Hardy!
In the Footsteps of Thomas and Emma Hardy [News]
A publication which highlights the links between the Hardys and Cornwall.
The Egdon Heath Walk by Elizabeth Manus [News]
The THS 'Return of the Native' Walk Experienced by an Overseas Visitor to Dorset
A Budmouth Walk [Page]
On reaching the Esplanade, you are confronted by the beautiful blue bay stretching from the Cliffs of White Nose on your left to Nothe Fort on your right.
Exploring Hardy's Upwey [Event]
Walk, Talk and AGM
Wessex Love Songs - Created by Arthur Keegan [News]
Celebrating Hardy's Poetry and Music
Hardy's Regrets [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Evening with Dorset Film Maker Rose Goldthorp
Portland Walk through the country of The Well-Beloved [Event]
Portland Walk through the country of The Well-Beloved Friday 21st September, 2018 at 10.00am
Timeline [Page]
Remembrance Service, Thomas Hardy's Passing at Westminster Abbey [Event]
Remembrance Service, Thomas Hardy's Passing at Westminster Abbey
Going The Rounds 2021 [Event]
A Biennial THS Event in Conjunction with Tim Laycock and Dorset Musicians
Hard times and hungry months [Event]
Hard times and hungry months: folksongs and stories
'Fallen Wessex: Hardy's Subversion of Milton's Paradise Lost' [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Lecture by Dr Tracy Hayes
The 'Casterbridge' Walk [Event]
This is a two-hour walk led by Dorchester's own Town Crier Alistair Chisholm. Beginning at the Town Pump it will take in various 'Casterbridge' sites
Thomas Hardy Society 2024 Conference [News]
Gallery of Images taken by Freddie Beaver from the 2024 Thomas Hardy Society Conference
Far From the Madding Crowd [Event]
Celebrating film and fiction in Wessex, and especially the Far From the Madding Crowd films of 1967 and 2015, this tour led by the THS's Sue Clarke
Tess, a feminist vision of Thomas Hardy’s classic novel [News]
Ockham’s Razor, the UK’s foremost circus theatre company, presents a bold new vision of Hardy’s classic novel, Tess of the D’Urbervilles. Touring the UK from October 2023 to June 2024
Neolithic site found under Max Gate [News]
A Neolithic site discovered under author Thomas Hardy’s house has been protected as a scheduled monument. The circular enclosure is almost 100 metres in diameter and comprises ditches and pits.
Mellstock [Page]
Mellstock Dorset - Thomas Hardy Country
R.I.P. Rose Swann [News]
Beloved Wife of Furse and Dear Friend to all Hardyans
A Hardy Walk and Talk [Event]
A walk around Dorchester with readings and talk at those places associated with the author.
Portland Walk - The Dorchester Literary Festival [Event]
This is a 5 mile walk from Portland (North) to The Verne, in conjunction with the Portland Museum Trust as part of the Dorchester Literary Festival.
Mellstock Poems Walk [Event]
Meet at Thorncombe Wood Car Park (NGR SY724922) for a gentle four mile walk through the heart of Hardy Country
'Great Things' by Mark Chutter [Page]
Revisiting THS Memories During Lockdown
Rites of Way with Thomas Hardy [Event]
Event Launch in conjunction with the Thomas Hardy Society
Thomas Hardy Lecture [Event]
Thomas Hardy: The Novels, The Novelist and Dorchester
‘Woman much missed’: The Chosen by Elizabeth Lowry [Event]
An Online Talk for Wessex Museums
Thomas Hardy's Wessex [Event]
A Three-Night Tour of Discovery and Inspiration
Building Dorchester’s Civic Pride [News]
If you are interested in Dorchester and wish to see the character and setting of the town maintained and enhanced then Dorchester Civic Society is your go-to organisation.
Resources [Page]
Life [Page]
Thomas Hardy
The National Trust and Mr Hardy's Legacy [Event]
How the National Trust tell Hardy's stories through his properties
Fiddling Folk: A Music and Dancing Walk [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Event
2020 THS Study Day [Page]
2020 marked the 150th anniversary of the publication of The Trumpet-Major
Rites of Way With Mr Hardy [Event]
Event Launch in conjunction with the Thomas Hardy Society
STAND and Thomas Hardy Society Walk Report [News]
A walk to discover how much beautiful Wessex countryside will be lost
Thomas Hardy Creativity Competition [News]
A Student Competition in Conjunction with the Thomas Hardy Victorian Fair
Thomas Hardy Confidential [Event]
A fascinating fresh appreciation of a great writer and the people and places he immortalised.
Hardy's Birthday Weekend Celebrations [Event]
A celebration of Hardy's 179th birthday
Unsung Heroes of HardyLand - Margaret Marande [Page]
A series celebrating the individuals who work behind the scenes to provide us with unique Hardyan experiences.
The Dynasts: A Thomas Hardy Society Study Day [Event]
The Dynasts is a drama in verse and prose by Thomas Hardy. Hardy himself described this work as ‘an epic-drama of the war with Napoleon, in three parts, nineteen acts and one hundred and thirty scenes’.
The Return of the Native - A Walk [Event]
Follow in the footsteps of Eustacia Vye
Save Our Countryside! [News]
Take a Walk for STAND (Save the Area North of Dorchester) - Developers want to build an urban area larger than Poundbury on Hardy’s
Far From the Madding Crowd country.
D-Day for Dorchester by Alistair Chisholm [News]
The S.T.A.N.D (Save The Area North of Dorchester) coordinating group is gathering together the various challenges to the development of this site
A Letter to the Dorset Echo Protesting Housing Development Proposals [News]
From Life-long THS Member Elaine Spencer-White
A Hardy Family History Research Trip [Page]
Val Weedon researches her family connections to Thomas Hardy
THS Study Day 2022 - Under the Greenwood Tree [Event]
In Conjunction with the University of Exeter
On Rainbarrows with Alban O'Brien [Page]
Connecting with Hardy's 'The Sheep-Boy'
FAQ [Page]
Frequently Asked Questions about Thomas Hardy
Celebrating 150 Years Since Hardy Met Emma Gifford [Page]
A trip to Cornwall in the footsteps of Hardy and Emma
I’d always liked the carols that evoked a winter landscape, such as “The Holly and the Ivyâ€, “Good King Wenceslas†and “In the Deep Midwinterâ€, so began to think about poems that were also redolent of the season.
Links [Page]
Links to Societies promoting Thomas Hardy
Twenty-Fourth International Thomas Hardy Conference and Festival - 2021 [Event]
The rescheduled conference IS STILL GOING AHEAD!
The Thomas Hardy Archives at the DHC [News]
The raw materials of research and discovery
The New Hardy Tree [News]
On Friday 12 April 2024 at about 11am a small group of people gathered in Old St Pancras churchyard in north London. The event, organised by Camden Council, was the planting of a replacement for the famous Hardy Tree which collapsed overnight on 27 December 2022.
Hardy and Lockdown by Tracy Hayes [Page]
Hardy and Lockdown
The 26th International Thomas Hardy Conference and Festival [Event]
The 26th International Thomas Hardy Conference and Festival
'Hardy and Heritage' - An International Conference [Event]
A CFP from FATHOM - The French Association for Thomas Hardy Studies
A Thomas Hardy Society Book Review by Dr Tracy Hayes
Hardy/Larkin Conference Weekend [News]
A conference held at Kingston Maurward to celebrate Philip Larkin's birthday and the 70th anniversary of his Hardy pilgrimage
Thomas Hardy Society visit to Stourhead [News]
The Thomas Hardy Society visited Stourhead on Saturday, 28th September, with a private viewing of the original letters
The Trumpet-Major: A Happy Wessex Pastoral Romance or a Clumsy Historical Narrative? - Faysal Mikdadi [Page]
The Trumpet-Major: A Happy Wessex Pastoral Romance or a Clumsy Historical Narrative?
The Short Stories of Thomas Hardy Chapter 4: Death, Dying and the Macabre [Page]
By Patrick Tolfree
The Beginning - A Joint Conference Between the Dylan Thomas Society and the Thomas Hardy Society [Event]
The Beginning - A Joint Conference Between the Dylan Thomas Society and the Thomas Hardy Society
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