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Join the society [Page]
Join the Thomas Hardy Society
Join [Page]
Vacancy - Treasurer [News]
The Thomas Hardy Society is seeking a Treasurer to join the Council of Management.
In the Footsteps of Thomas Hardy [Event]
Join us for A Walk Around Dorchester in the Footsteps of Thomas Hardy
Join us for a peaceful protest walk for STAND: Save The Area North of Dorchester.
D.H. Lawrence and Thomas Hardy [Event]
A lecture by Dr Fiona Fleming in conjunction with the D.H. Lawrence Society
WHOTT Day 2021 - Special Thomas Hardy's Tess Tour **This Event is now Full** [Event]
Join the 6th Annual Vintage Bus and Coach Running Day **This Event is now Full**
Six men, one dog, a Queen and a horse! [News]
Join Dorchester Sheroes in their quest to erect Dorchester's first non-royal female statue and celebrate an overlooked shero from our past.
THS Poetry Competition [News]
Win a Thomas Hardy cloth-bound classic, join us in-store to celebrate Thomas Hardy's 184th Birthday
Talk: Mary Channing [Event]
Come and join the chairman and academic director of the Thomas Hardy Society in a talk about Mary Channing.
Say No to [News]
Come and join us in Dorchester tomorrow (Saturday, April 27th) as we continue our campaign against the proposal to build 4,000 houses and a new link road on farmland overlooking the town centre.
Hardy's Regrets - Premier [Event]
Special Advance Screening on Portland
Thomas Hardy Birthday Weekend [Event]
The annual event celebrates Thomas Hardy's 185th birthday with a full programme of events and activities
Christmas in the Courtroom [Event]
A dramatic and musical celebration of Yuletide
Madding Crowd [Event]
Come and join us for a fun and informal discussion group. Each week, we will read a section of Thomas Hardy's novel, Far from the Madding Crowd, discussing our thoughts about the text.
Thomas Hardy Wreath Laying at Westminster Abbey ***THIS EVENT IS NOW FULL*** [Event]
In Remembrance of Hardy's Passing ***THIS EVENT IS NOW FULL***
Ring Out Christmas Bells! [Event]
Ridgeway Singers & Band Christmas Concerts December 2024. Once again The Ridgeway Singers & Band invite you to join them for an evening of West Gallery carols, Dorset songs, dance tunes, and local poems and stories to celebrate the coming of midwinter and the festive season.
Under the Greenwood Tree: music and dance [Event]
A musical recreation of Under the Greenwood Tree
Thomas Hardy London Lecture 2024 [Event]
Thomas Hardy London Lecture 2024: ‘Friends Beyond : Barnes, Moule, Hardy and Fordington Vicarage’
Ridgeway Singers & Band 10th Anniversary Concert - Bridport [Event]
Ridgeway Singers & Band 10th Anniversary Concert
Thomas Hardy - Justice of the Peace [Event]
Thomas Hardy qualified as a magistrate in 1884 and was fascinated by the justice system or rather by the injustice of the society in which he lived.
THS friend, Sally Searle of The Rectory, Boscastle sad passing [News]
It is with deep sadness that we share the passing of THS friend, Sally Searle of The Rectory, Boscastle. Sally passed away peacefully at home on Friday 10th January
THS Fundraiser with Lord & Lady Fellowes of West Stafford [Event]
A Champagne Reception at Stafford House
Ridgeway Singers & Band 10th Anniversary Concert - Ansty [Event]
Ridgeway Singers & Band 10th Anniversary Concert
In the footsteps of Tess and Angel: A walk around the environs of Wool [Event]
In the footsteps of Tess and Angel: A walk around the environs of Wool
Ridgeway Singers and Band present ‘To Keep Old Christmas Up!’ [Event]
Ridgeway Singers and Band present ‘To Keep Old Christmas Up!’
Under the Greenwood Tree - Everyman Theatre [Event]
Adapted from the classic novel by Thomas Hardy
Mozart’s Bastien et Bastienne [Event]
Mozart’s Bastien et Bastienne is a one-act comic singspiel, composed in 1768 when Mozart was just 12 years old. Our setting will be Thomas Hardy-inspired.
Dorchester Through the Lens of Thomas Hardy [Event]
A Talk by THS Chairman Mark Chutter Hosted by Dorset Museum
Strings Forever! [Event]
An Evening of Music from the Hardy Songbook
The Chosen by Elizabeth Lowry [Event]
The Chosen by Elizabeth Lowry
Friends Beyond - Barnes, Moule and Hardy [Event]
A Lecture by Mark Chutter
Going The Rounds 2025 - Church Performance [Event]
Thursday's performance of "Going The Rounds" will be church-based with no walking
Going The Rounds 2025 - Parish Performance [Event]
Going the Rounds 2025 - Friday's performance includes walking the parish
How Hardy Frames His Texts [Event]
Dr Mary Rimmer, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Thomas Hardy Lecture Series [Event]
Free Lectures Hosted by Mirthy Online Community
Thomas Hardy Victorian Fair 2023 [Event]
A Dorset Celebration!
Outer Casterbridge: Hardy and History [Event]
A Festival of Archaeology Walk led by Mark Chutter
‘Woman much missed’: The Chosen by Elizabeth Lowry [Event]
An Online Talk for Wessex Museums
The Lost Chord - An Evening of Nineteenth-Century Music Hall [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Evening Featuring Dave Townsend and Phil Humphries
Journals [Page]
The Thomas Hardy Society currently publishes three journals each year. Members of the Society receive print copies and/or electronic access, depending on their membership status. Journal contents are also published in digital format on ProQuest Literature Online.
What lies beneath Max Gate? [Event]
Wessex Museums, in partnership with National Trust and HengeFest
Tea with William Barnes [News]
Our Annual Celebration of the Dorset Dialect Poet! Dialect poet William Barnes relished the huge variety of country dances
[POSTPONED] The Trumpet-Major Study Day [Event]
Marking the 140th anniversary of the publication of Hardy's novel.
Christmas in Mellstock [Event]
A weekend of Music and Song from the West Country as immortalised in the Poems and Novels of Thomas Hardy
A Hardy Larkin Weekend [Event]
A joint study weekend with the Philip Larkin Society with talks by experts from both societies and walks, including a reconstruction of Larkin’s 1976 visit to Dorchester with Monica Jones.
Make Your Voice Heard! Support STAND! Save Hardy's Wessex! [News]
Oppose Cultural Vandalism!
Music and Archaeology - An Afternoon of Discovery [Event]
Presented by Turner Sims in partnership with the University of Southampton Music Department and Archaeology Department, and the John Ireland Trust
THS Study Day 2022 - Under the Greenwood Tree [Event]
In Conjunction with the University of Exeter
Sylvia Townsend Warner Statue Campaign [News]
Following our public vote, we are happy to announce that the remarkable writer and poet Sylvia Townsend Warner will finally be honoured with a long-overdue statue, enriching Dorchester’s literary and visual heritage.
DORCHESTER HERITAGE OPEN DAY - Mary Channing and Martha Brown Walk - Dorchester Old and New Talk and Walk with Steve Wallis - Free Guided Tours - Free Exhibitions and much more!
Best and Worst Poems of Thomas Hardy [Page]
A Blog by Thomas Tyrrell on Hardy's Poetic Oeuvre
Twenty-Fourth International Thomas Hardy Conference and Festival - 2021 [Event]
The rescheduled conference IS STILL GOING AHEAD!
The Wessex Dramas Project [News]
Thomas Hardy's stories as films and podcasts. Here is the first copy of what is now our quarterly newsletter.
Purchase of New Hardy Letter [News]
The Thomas Hardy Society in conjunction with the Dorset History Centre have purchased a newly discovered letter by Hardy
Thomas Hardy Society Summer Break [News]
The Thomas Hardy Society will be taking a holiday from Saturday 3rd August until Monday 2 September 2024
Spring edition of the Thomas Hardy Society Journal [News]
Please accept our apologies for the late publication of the Spring edition of the Thomas Hardy Society Journal.
Thomas Hardy Society Wreath Laying Service [Event]
Thomas Hardy Society Wreath Laying Service
Contact [Page]
Contact the Thomas Hardy Society
Summer 2019 Journal [News]
Thomas Hardy Society Summer 2019 Journal is now on our website. If you are a member you can login and read this amazing Journal.
News [Page]
Latest society news published by the Thomas Hardy Society
Thomas Hardy Society Concert [Event]
Winter Words by Benjamin Britten with Peter Oakes, Colin Howard and Harriet Still
Thomas Hardy Society 2024 Conference [News]
Gallery of Images taken by Freddie Beaver from the 2024 Thomas Hardy Society Conference
Thomas Hardy Society Conference - Batch 4 [News]
Galleries of Images taken by Freddie Beaver from the 2024 Thomas Hardy Society Conference
Thomas Hardy Society Schools Outreach [News]
Would you like a Hardy specialist in school to discuss this local and international writer with your students?
Thomas Hardy Society 2024 Conference - Batch 2 [News]
Galleries of Images taken by Freddie Beaver from the 2024 Thomas Hardy Society Conference
Thomas Hardy Society and STAND Walk (Save the Area North of Dorchester) [Event]
A walk across water-meadows and down-land under threat by developers
Hardy Society Survey [News]
Funding from the National Lottery is being sought to install Info Points at churches linked to Thomas Hardy. These Info Points will provide self-guided tours on visitor's phones.
BBC Radio Solent THS Interview [News]
Sam Fraser sits in with the Thomas Hardy Society
Indices [Page]
Secret portal pages
Thomas Hardy Society Conference - Batch 3 [News]
Galleries of Images taken by Freddie Beaver from the 2024 Thomas Hardy Society Conference
Tess of the d'Urbervilles - A New Production [Event]
A new adaptation by the Bradfordians Dramatic Society
Wanted! A Student Representative for the Thomas Hardy Society! [News]
We are seeking a young and enthusiast person to represent fellow Hardy students!
Building Dorchester’s Civic Pride [News]
If you are interested in Dorchester and wish to see the character and setting of the town maintained and enhanced then Dorchester Civic Society is your go-to organisation.
Thomas Hardy and T.E. Lawrence - Their Friendship and Milieu [Event]
A Joint Society Day Hosted by the Thomas Hardy Society and the T.E. Lawrence Society
'A Dorset Year: The Poetry and Prose of William Barnes and Thomas Hardy' [Event]
Beckley and Area Community Benefit Society
William Barnes - Region and Nation [News]
The William Barnes Society Summer Talk
William Barnes and Thomas Hardy: Study Day [Event]
The Barnes Society and the Thomas Hardy Society are pleased to present a joint study day on Saturday 26th October
About [Page]
The Thomas Hardy Society is an educational Charity founded in 1968 with the intention of promoting public knowledge and understanding of the life and works of the Dorset poet and novelist to anyone with an interest in Thomas Hardy anywhere in the world.
Annual General Meeting 2024 [News]
THE THOMAS HARDY SOCIETY - NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Thomas Hardy Society will be at 11am on Saturday 3rd August 2024 at the United Church
The Trumpet-Major Study Day CFP [News]
The Thomas Hardy Society Invites Presentation Proposals
Accounts [Page]
Thomas Hardy Society Annual Report and Financial Statements
Thomas Hardy Paths Reopened [News]
Dorset Council Forced to Make Paths on The Hardy Way Accessible
A guided walk with Chairman and Academic Director of the Thomas Hardy Society, Mark Damon Chutter, through Dorchester and Fordington to explore the world of architect, writer and poet Thomas Hardy
Thomas Hardy Society Birthday Weekend [Event]
Thomas Hardy Society Birthday Weekend
The 2022 Thomas Hardy Society Birthday Weekend [Event]
A Jubilee Weekend Walk, Lecture, Supper and Evening Performance
A competition in honour of one who tirelessly promoted education and personal creativity
2018 THS Conference [Page]
The Society's 50th anniversary will be mainly focused on the Festival and Conference which will take place from 14th to 21st July.
Society’s Annual London Lecture [News]
A small but enthusiastic group gathered on the first Saturday of December for the Society’s Annual London Lecture.  Our speaker was Elizabeth Lowry, author of The Chosen
The Dynasts: A Thomas Hardy Society Study Day [Event]
The Dynasts is a drama in verse and prose by Thomas Hardy. Hardy himself described this work as ‘an epic-drama of the war with Napoleon, in three parts, nineteen acts and one hundred and thirty scenes’.
A New Book Featuring Thomas Hardy and William Barnes [News]
A collection of short stories by Jim Potts
The Bugler Story by Rick Pulford [News]
Author and scriptwriter Rick Pulford is working in partnership with the Hardy Society to develop an intriguing episode in Thomas Hardy’s last years for the big screen.
Hanging, Punishment and Justice in the Works of Thomas Hardy [Event]
A Lecture by Mark Chutter
Inspired by Thomas Hardy: An Anthology of Students' Poems 2019 [News]
A beautiful collection of original works by students passionate about emulating Hardy
Rites of Way With Mr Hardy [Event]
Event Launch in conjunction with the Thomas Hardy Society
Thomas Hardy Society Writing Competition 2021 [News]
A Competition for Secondary School Students aged 14-18.
Journal Cover Design Competition [News]
The THS wishes to give the journal a bolder, brighter, more modern look, and to this end is launching a competition for a brand new cover design open to anyone over the age of 18.
Dr Hugh Epstein - The Nature of Awareness in Hardy's Fiction CHANGE OF DATE AND TIME [Event]
The Thomas Hardy Society Annual Lecture 2020 CHANGE OF DATE AND TIME
Hardy Women – a new biography of Thomas Hardy [News]
Seen through the eyes of women. We asked Mark Chutter, chair of the Thomas Hardy Society (and Head of English at Wey Valley School) to interview Dr Paula Byrne FRSA.
The Thomas Hardy Society Writing Competition 2021 [News]
A essay/creative writing competition for all English Literature Students
The Beginning - A Joint Conference Between the Dylan Thomas Society and the Thomas Hardy Society [Event]
The Beginning - A Joint Conference Between the Dylan Thomas Society and the Thomas Hardy Society
Thomas Hardy Society Annual General Meeting 2020 [Event]
Agenda, THS 2019 Accounts and Minutes for THS AGM 2019 Appended
Unveiling the new Hardy Memorial Stone at Westminster Abbey [News]
On Saturday 18th May the new Hardy Memorial stone was unveiled at Westminster Abbey, with a dedication by Professor Claire Tomalin
Mark Chutter - The White Apron, The Skimmity Ride and Subversive Religion in Hardy's Mixen Lane [Event]
A Keynote Lecture for the Thomas Hardy Society Conference 2021
Professor Jane Thomas - Desperate Remedies: Hardy's Youthful Manifesto [Event]
A Keynote Lecture for the Thomas Hardy Society Conference 2021
Passing of Ray Evans [News]
Long-standing THS member Ray Evans has sadly passed away.
Wareham Choral Society Presents 'Dorset Jubilate' [Event]
Featuring Hardy's 'The Oxen' and 'The Darkling Thrush'
Commemorative Merchandise [News]
You may have noticed that we have designed a special logo for this year, celebrating 50 years of the Thomas Hardy Society.
Alan Johnson - Thomas Hardy and My Life in Books [Event]
A Special Talk for the Thomas Hardy Society Conference 2021
Tess at Kingston Maurward - An Exploration of a Writer's Muse [Event]
A Thomas Hardy Society Conference 2021 Event
THS Study Day 2021 Call For Papers - Tess of the d'Urbervilles [News]
A day devoted to Hardy's best-loved book!
Dates for your Diary [Event]
Dates for your diary
The Thomas Hardy Society Annual General Meeting [Event]
THS AGM - A Member Only Event
Dorchester Heritage Open Day - Free Guided walk: Thomas Hardy [Event]
Dorchester Heritage Open Day - Free Guided walk: Thomas Hardy
2021 THS Student Essay Competition [News]
Hardy and Religion
Call for Contributions: “HARDY NOW” [Page]
For its autumn 2019 issue, the Thomas Hardy Journal – publication of the Thomas Hardy Society – invites contributions to a forum on the subject of “HARDY NOW”.
Andrew Norman Discusses Latest Book [News]
On Saturday evening, Andrew Norman presented and discussed his latest book, Thomas Hardy and the Death of Emma - What the Writings Reveal, at Waterstones. The Thomas Hardy Society and Waterstones organised this official book launch.
Thomas Hardy Poems to Music [Page]
An Adaptation by Composer Laurence Hughes
Historic Monument Restored [News]
Historic monument restored ahead of centenary ceremony
Crossing the Genres: Finding Thomas Hardy by Peter Tait [Event]
A Wine With Words Talk for the Sherborne Literary Society
Two Crusted Characters [Event]
A Drawing and Painting Workshop from Life by Gillian Lacey
Members Journals [Page]
Secret portal pages
Thomas Hardy and the Evolution of Architecture by Samantha Briggs [Page]
On 20 June 1906 Colonel Eustace Balfour read out, to the annual meeting of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, an essay that Thomas Hardy had written specially for the occasion. In his 'Memories of Church Restoration',
Rites of Way with Thomas Hardy [Event]
Event Launch in conjunction with the Thomas Hardy Society
Wessex and Hardy [News]
Wessex and Hardy. A new play written for our venues by Ann Davidson with traditional music and costume, well-loved works and hidden gems, our players bring to life this onward march.
'Love, praise, indifference, blame' [Event]
Phillip Mallett, University of St Andrews. This talk looks at some of the 150 or so poems Hardy wrote about his first wife, Emma, after her death in 1912.
A Vague Stretch of Remoteness - Brian Graham's Paintings of Egdon Heath [Event]
A Presentation for the Thomas Hardy Society 2021 Conference and Festival
Thomas Hardy and Art [Event]
From the National Gallery’s Collection in 1861 to Hardy’s exploration of artistic themes in his poetry and prose
R.I.P. Rose Swann [News]
Beloved Wife of Furse and Dear Friend to all Hardyans
HERITAGE OPEN DAYS 10th – 19th September 2021 ‘Edible England’ [News]
Nangle Rare Books [News]
We have recently aquired 7 large boxes of books by and about Thomas Hardy and thought it might be of interest to members of the Society, should they wish to come and rummage through the stacks of books I shall have out on display towards the end of this month and into September.
Revised THS Programme 2020 [News]
A revised programme in light of Covid-19.
The Thomas Hardy Society Conference and Festival 2022 [Event]
Registration is Open!
Thomas Hardy Birthday Weekend - June 2021 [Event]
Events from the Thomas Hardy Society to commemorate the author's birth 181 years ago
Far From the Madding Crowd - THS Study Day 2019 [Event]
2019 will mark the 145th anniversary of the publication of Far From the Madding Crowd.
Men Who March Away [Event]
Men Who March Away
The Trumpet-Major THS Study Day 2020 CHANGE OF VENUE! [Event]
Conferences [Page]
Conferences and Study Days
Hardy Today: Tim Pears in Conversation with Dr Tony Fincham [Event]
A Dorchester Literary Festival Event
Shop [Page]
Merchandise and Publications
The Mayor of Casterbridge - Mirthy Bookclub Q&A with Dr Tracy Hayes [Event]
Exploring the 'Life and Death of a Man of Character'
A Lully of Voices [Event]
'A Lully of Voices': Haunting Echoes in Walter de la Mare and Thomas Hardy
Email log [Page]
Keep track of your communications
THS Patrick Tolfree Student Essay Competition 2020 [News]
'Hardy and the Anthropocene'
Students Seek to Emulate Hardy [News]
The National Trust presents awards to student winners of the Thomas Hardy Young Poetry Prize
Thomas Hardy Society Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Westminster Abbey [News]
A Review by Mark Chutter
An Evening of Poetry with Pascale Petit [Event]
A Thomas Hardy Society 2021 Conference Event
Thomas Hardy: Fate, Exclusion and Tragedy [News]
A Brand New Sky Arts Documentary for September
Hardy and the Classroom [News]
Two recent events by Thomas Hardy Society members for teachers and students of nineteenth-century texts at GCSE Level
A Walk Through Hardy's Heartland [Event]
A guided walk through Hardy's heartland led by THS expert Susan Clarke
Tatterdemalion and Tim Laycock - 'Satires of Circumstance' [Event]
A Musical Performance of a Treasured Volume of Hardy Poetry for the Thomas Hardy Society Conference and Festival 2021
Temporalities and the Body in A Laodicean [Event]
A Keynote Lecture by Professor Pamela Gilbert for the Thomas Hardy Society Conference 2021
Thomas Hardy Society Birthday Weekend 2021 [News]
Celebrating Hardy's 181st Birthday!
Safeguarding Hardy's Heritage [News]
How much longer will the area around Hardy's birthplace remain if we do not take steps to ensure its survival?
R.I.P. Dr Jack Schwarz - Passionate Hardyan [News]
Donation to the THS in honour of Dr Jack Schwarz
The Face At The Casement [Event]
?Readings and Poems to be recited outside St. Clether Vicarage, the 17thC cottage which was home to William Sergant, Hardy's love rival for Emma Gifford.
Hardy Meets M.R. James: An Evening of Ghosts and Gothic [Event]
A special performance for the Thomas Hardy Society Conference and Festival 2021
A Thomas Hardy Autumn Walk and AGM [Event]
A walk through the countryside of The Trumpet-Major and 'The Melancholy Hussar of the German Legion', followed by refreshments and AGM.
Greenwood Grange Offers [News]
Unique discount code for THS members at Greenwood Grange
The 2018 London Lecture [Event]
The 2018 London Lecture will be on Thursday 8th November, at Birkbeck College, in Malet Street.
A Hardy Walk and Talk [Event]
A walk around Dorchester with readings and talk at those places associated with the author.
An Evening of Hardy Music and Poetry [Event]
A performance on harp and flute by Florence and Virginia Astley
THS Birthday Weekend [News]
It was an extremely successful weekend - the weather was glorious. Richard delivered a brilliant sermon regarding Hardy at the service at Stinsford.
THOMAS HARDY AND SYLVIA TOWNSEND WARNER STUDY WEEKEND IN DORCHESTER, 10-11 FEBRUARY 2024. The study weekend organised jointly by the Thomas Hardy Society and Sylvia Townsend Warner Society, led off on Saturday 10th Feb with a day-long mini-conference in the Learning Room of Dorchester Library
Inauguration of Thomas Hardy Memorial Stone [News]
In Stinsford Church at the 2021 THS Conference and Festival
Lock 'em up! [Event]
Shire Hall Courthouse Museum, newly refurbished, recently re-opened to the public. It was here that Thomas Hardy served as a magistrate between 1884 and 1919
Wreath-Laying Ceremony in Poets' Corner [Event]
Wreath-Laying Ceremony in Poets' Corner
THS President at Wey Valley Academy [News]
Lord Julian Fellowes gives inspirational talk to students
Mrs Yeobrights Last Walk [Event]
To celebrate the 175th anniversary of the publication of The Return of the Native.
The Life & Work of Sylvia Townsend Warner [Event]
Talk and Readings from her works
Thomas Hardy Country Fair [Event]
Thomas Hardy Country Fair at Kingston Maurward from 12 noon onwards on Sunday 15th July 2018
Unsung Heroes of HardyLand - Mike Nixon [Page]
A series celebrating the individuals who work behind the scenes to provide us with unique Hardyan experiences.
Call For Papers: The Twenty-Sixth International Thomas Hardy Conference & Festival [News]
The deadline for the 2024 Thomas Hardy International Conference and Festival Call for Papers has been extended to February 1st. Please note that any postgraduate student whose proposal is successful will be able to apply to the Society for a bursary.
Important Thomas Hardy Correspondence Purchase [News]
Important letter will guarantee long-term access to Archives
On the Cusp of Change [Event]
Ann Davidson with Newbury Dramatic Society - WESSEX AND HARDY: on the cusp of change. The essence of Hardy’s loves and passions, his regrets and melancholy is captured here in a skilfully written new play by Ann Davidson
The Hardy Players [Page]
New Hardy Players
'Bathsheba' by Izzy Rees [Page]
An original painting by student of Queen Elizabeth's School, Wimborne
THS Membership Fees to Change [News]
Subscription Rates to Change in Accordance with new Regulations
Philip Lange - The Pianist of Casterbridge [Event]
A Performance of Music Contemporary with Hardy and a Schubert Sonata for the Thomas Hardy Society Conference 2021
THS Birthday Weekend Sunday Service at Stinsford [Event]
Delivered by THS Chairman Rev. Canon Richard Franklin
Thomas Hardy Poetry Workshops in Schools [News]
THS Academic Director Dr Faysal Mikdadi leads Hardy poetry workshops in schools across England
Julie Christie: 'Touched by Hardy' [Event]
A presentation by Julie Christie for the THS 2021 Conference and Festival
Help Raise A Statue for Sylvia Townsend Warner [News]
A crowdfunding appeal was officially launched today for a statue of Dorset novelist and poet Sylvia Townsend Warner for Dorchester
Thomas Hardy and Religion at Sarum College [Event]
A Day Course Led by Richard Franklin
Thomas Hardy Lecture [Event]
Thomas Hardy: The Novels, The Novelist and Dorchester
The Hardys at Eton [Event]
An excursion to Eton College to view Thomas Hardy artefacts.
Novels [Page]
Complete Texts of Thomas Hardy's Novels
Cambridge Critical Edition of Thomas Hardy's Work [News]
Later this year, the first volumes of the critical edition of Hardy's novels and short stories will begin to appear from Cambridge University Press (CUP).
The Egdon Heath Walk by Elizabeth Manus [News]
The THS 'Return of the Native' Walk Experienced by an Overseas Visitor to Dorset
Westminster Abbey Wreath-Laying 2023 [Event]
Remember the 95th Anniversary of Hardy's Passing
McCarthy Stone Thomas Hardy Poetry Competition [News]
Win £150 Book Vouchers!
Famous Biographer Visits Wey Valley Academy in Weymouth [News]
The Biographer and writer Paula Byrne visited Wey Valley to talk to a Year 10 History class about her research for her latest published book.
Links [Page]
Links to Societies promoting Thomas Hardy
Hardy and Milton: Subverting Paradise Lost [Event]
A Mirthy Group Lecture by Tracy Hayes
Dorchester Literary Festival | A Walk Around Dorchester in the Footsteps of Thomas Hardy [Event]
Dorchester Literary Festival | A Walk Around Dorchester in the Footsteps of Thomas Hardy
Unveililng of New Hardy Memorial Stone [Event]
Unveiling of New Hardy Memorial Stone by Claire Tomalin and Wreath-Laying Ceremony in Poets’ Corner, Westminster Abbey Saturday 18th May with Professor Claire Tomalin.
Reflections on Hardy and Notre Dame takes Patrick Tolfree Prize [News]
Student essay links Hardy's architectural writings with the Notre Dame Cathedral fire.
International Hardy Fans Tour [News]
Keri Jones went on a walking tour that guided many international visitors around Shaftesbury and, surprisingly, our world-famous Gold Hill wasn’t on the itinerary!
A Portrait of Tess/Mr Hardy's War [Event]
The portrait is of Agatha Cox 'Her on whom I thought when I wrote Tess'. She married Hamo Thorneycroft, the sculptor, in 1884 and thus became the aunt of Sigfried Sassoon.
In Memory of Claire Seymour [News]
It is with profound sadness that we announce the death of Claire Seymour.
The Glass Aisle [Event]
Poet/Singer/Songwriter BBC Presenter Paul Henry will read from his acclaimed collections 'The Brittle Sea' and 'A Boy Running'
Notice of Thomas Hardy Society AGM [Event]
Agenda and Minutes of the Last Meeting
Crossing the Genres: Finding Thomas Hardy [Event]
A Talk by Peter Tait
Max Gate, Hardy's House [Event]
Max Gate, Hardy's House - Visit Thomas Hardy's House
Greenwood Grange [News]
Welcome to Greenwood Grange, originally built by Thomas Hardy's father and just a 10-minute walk away from Hardy's Cottage.
The Hand of Ethelberta - A New Play [Page]
A dramatic adaptation by David Foulger
Tess of the d'Urbervilles - Rescheduled Annual THS Study Day 2021 [Event]
A day of talks and seminars celebrating Hardy's best loved novel.
Tolpuddle Family Lives [Event]
'Tolpuddle Family Lives' is a full programme of events running at Tolpuddle Old Chapel
A Review of the Inspired By Thomas Hardy Poetry Anthologies [News]
By Richard House - Self & Society: An International Journal for Humanistic Psychology
2021 THS Study Day [Page]
2021 will mark the 130th anniversary of the publication of Tess of the d'Urbervilles
Tess of the d'Urbervilles - Annual THS Study Day 2021 [Event]
A day of talks and seminars celebrating Hardy's best loved novel.
Thomas Hardy and Sylvia Townsend Warner: Wessex Writers [Event]
Thomas Hardy and Sylvia Townsend Warner: Wessex Writers
In Memory of Dr Faysal Mikdadi [News]
Commemorating the Loss of a Very Special Individual
The Life and Times of Thomas Hardy - Three Lectures [Event]
A Fund-Raising Event for the Dorset History Centre Hardy Collection
Lecture by Paula Byrne: Hardy Women: Mother, Sisters, Wives, Muses [Event]
Paula Byrne offers a fresh perspective on Hardy’s life, exploring it through the lens of the women who shaped him
Our Partners [Page]
Learn more about the Hardy Country initiative partners
The Hardys and the Suffragette Movement by Tracy Hayes [Page]
The Hardys and the Suffragette Movement
Wessex Superstitions [Event]
A Talk for Wessex Museums by Owen Davies
Fifty Years of THS Birthday Weekend Celebrations [Page]
A brief history by THS Chairman Tony Fincham
Thomas Hardy and Tess at Sturminster Newton Literary Festival 2023 [Event]
Featuring 'The Second Mrs Clare' by Michael Langridge - sequel to 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles'
New Hardy Players Donate to Local Charities During These Challenging Times [News]
Thousands of pounds donated to Food Banks and Poverty Action
Hardy and Costume: An Interactive Workshop [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Workshop with Lucy Brown
Hardy's Tess at Kingston Maurward [Event]
Hardy was born and lived most of his life within or next to the Kingston Maurward Estate.
Executive [Page]
2019 [Page]
Minutes from the 2019 AGM and details of Accounts
The Folio Society - Collected Poems by Thomas Hardy [News]
Selected and introduced by Robert Macfarlane, Illustrated by Stanley Donwood
A Hedgehog Hospital for Dorset [News]
The raffle at the 2024 Conference Dinner was in aid of hedgehog conservation. After discussion about the possible impact the Hardys’ unruly terrier, Wessex, might have had on Hardy’s description of the Max Gate hedgehogs as being ‘furtive’, £204.32p was raised
THS London Lecture 2021 - Professor Mark Ford [Event]
Professor Mark Ford - 'Four Poems About London by Hardy'
Thomas Hardy Society visit to Stourhead [News]
The Thomas Hardy Society visited Stourhead on Saturday, 28th September, with a private viewing of the original letters
Thomas Hardy Society Conference 2010 Report by Brenda Parry [Page]
Brenda's highlights of the 2010 Conference
2016 THS Conference [Page]
Celebrating 130 years since the publication of The Mayor of Casterbridge
Stephen Poulter - An Obituary [News]
A Long-Time Thomas Hardy Devotee has Sadly Passed Away
Bardic Seat Competition 2024 [Event]
Who will be the next Bard of Caer Dur / Dorchester - This wonderful community event is a must for all ages. Take part or be an audience member. Celebrate the poets of Dorset.
Fordington Vicarage Receives Blue Plaque [News]
Celebrating Hardy's Great Friends the Moule Family
An Evening of Poetry and Conversation with Professor Mark Ford [Event]
An Event for the Thomas Hardy Society 2021 Conference and Festival
Thomas Hardy's Wessex [Event]
A Three-Night Tour of Discovery and Inspiration
Hardy's Wessex Once Again Under Threat! [News]
The STAND Committee have uncovered a deception which could lead to 30 000 homes being built on top of Far From the Madding Crowd land.
Wyvern - Word Takes Wing [Event]
An original folk drama drawing on the notebooks of Thomas Hardy
'Echoes of Hardy' Art Work [News]
Original artwork of Hardy Scenes by Christine Rogers
The Longing of Thomas Hardy and Edward Thomas [Event]
A Lecture by Suzanne Conway
Hardy's Wessex [Page]
Hardy's Wessex
Hardy's Birthday Weekend Celebrations [Event]
A celebration of Hardy's 179th birthday
Unlocking Thomas Hardy – opening up the finest Hardy archive in the world [News]
July 2023 - Urgent fundraising appeal
STAND and Thomas Hardy Society Walk Report [News]
A walk to discover how much beautiful Wessex countryside will be lost
Hardy and Architecture Study Day [Event]
Discover how Thomas Hardy was inspired by his love of Architecture
Inspired by Thomas Hardy - An Anthology of Students’ Works 2020 [News]
The latest anthology of work inspired by Hardy - edited by Dr Faysal Mikdadi
Pascale Petit - Tiger Girl [News]
A new poetry collection
The Three Wayfarers (Opera) [Page]
An Operatic Adaptation by John Whittaker
The Thomas Hardy Birthday Weekend [News]
A report and pictures by Richard Franklin
Interview With Gertrude Bugler Becomes Available! [News]
Filmed in 1990 and now digitally remastered.
A Thomas Hardy Christmas Quiz! [News]
Hardy 100 Years Ago - by Rod Drew
Thomas Hardy Memorial Service 2025 [News]
THS members met at Poets' Corner on the anniversary of Hardy's death on 11th January for the Annual Wreath-laying Service at Westminster Abbey
REVIEW: What I Really Think of My Husband by Cari Jones [News]
Last November I happened to be staying in London when there were not one but two Hardy plays on! One was at Wiltons Music Hall, Whitechapel. The other was at the Golden Goose Theatre, Camberwell.
Unsung Heroes of HardyLand - Andy Worth [Page]
A series celebrating the individuals who work behind the scenes to provide us with unique Hardyan experiences.
Annual Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Thomas Hardy's Tomb [News]
In a poignant annual tradition, a gathering of some dozens assembled at Westminster Abbey on the 13th of January to pay homage to Thomas Hardy, whose ashes, along with a sprinkling of Wessex soil, rest in Poets’ Corner.
STAND Says: Save Our Green Fields! [News]
Say NO to 4000 Homes on Hardy's Landscape!
Exploring Hardy's Upwey [Event]
Walk, Talk and AGM
Thomas Hardy and Religion by Richard Franklin [News]
Theological Themes in Tess of the d'Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure
Settings for Baritone and Piano by John Whittaker [Page]
'When I Set Out From Lyonesse', 'Weathers', 'In the Small Hours' and 'The Voice'
Celebrating 150 Years Since Hardy Met Emma Gifford [Page]
A trip to Cornwall in the footsteps of Hardy and Emma
Mr Hardy - Stories That Take You Into the Heart of Nature [News]
The Rites of Way With Mr Hardy Project
[CANCELLED] Darkest Wessex: Hardy and the Gothic Short Story [Event]
A Hardy Country Series Lecture by Dr Tracy Hayes
D-Day for Dorchester by Alistair Chisholm [News]
The S.T.A.N.D (Save The Area North of Dorchester) coordinating group is gathering together the various challenges to the development of this site
The Mansel Pleydell and Cecil Memorial Trust Essay [News]
The two Mansel-Pleydell Trust essay competitions are open to anyone resident in the Dorset (including Poole and Bournemouth) or having past or present connectinos with the county.
Westminster Abbey Anniversary Wreath-Laying 2023 [News]
A review by THS Chairman Mark Chutter
'Fallen Wessex: Hardy's Subversion of Milton's Paradise Lost' [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Lecture by Dr Tracy Hayes
Energy in Thomas Hardy and Joseph Conrad's Works [News]
Call for seminar proposals
Jumping the turnstiles of Chance and Coincidence [News]
Laying the Wreath of Prayers at Westminster Abbey…
Thomas Hardy and the Influence of Conflict [Event]
At Dorset Museum with Kate Adie, Phillip Mallett and Tai-Chun Ho
A Letter to the Dorset Echo Protesting Housing Development Proposals [News]
From Life-long THS Member Elaine Spencer-White
Wreath-Laying at Stinsford on the 93rd Anniversary of Thomas Hardy's Death [News]
Today due to lockdown we were unable to provide the usual service and wreath-laying ceremony with poetry readings which mark the anniversary of Hardy's passing.
'Great Things' by Mark Chutter [Page]
Revisiting THS Memories During Lockdown
Hardy and Gothic Wessex [Event]
A Weekend Conference Featuring Dorset's Darker Side!
The 26th International Thomas Hardy Conference and Festival [Event]
The 26th International Thomas Hardy Conference and Festival
Hardy's Wessex Under Threat! [News]
Proposed North of Dorchester Development
Obituary for Helga Schulz [News]
A Dedication to a Life-Long Lover of Hardy
Save Our Dorchester, Save Your County Town! [News]
Stop the development of 4000 on the Water Meadows!
Thomas Hardy altarpiece is returned to its original splendour [News]
Conservation work to the altarpiece designed by the novelist Thomas Hardy, that was uncovered at All Saints Church in Windsor in 2016, has been carried out by Cliveden Conservation. The altarpiece, which is made up of different types of stone, required various techniques and conservation materials.
Hardy and Shakespeare by Tracy Hayes [Page]
Thomas Hardy's relationship with Shakespeare began at a relatively early age. At 13, while attending Isaac Last's school, he had already read all of Shakespeare's tragedies
A Thomas Hardy Society Book Review by Dr Tracy Hayes
Adieu Sweet Lovely Nancy: Songs From the French Wars - Jerry Bird [Page]
Adieu Sweet Lovely Nancy: Songs From the French Wars
The Dynasts Study Day [Page]
The Dynasts is indeed both a rattling good history by a melioristic pacifist and a work of epic proportions!
Unsung Heroes of HardyLand - Margaret Marande [Page]
A series celebrating the individuals who work behind the scenes to provide us with unique Hardyan experiences.
Timeline [Page]
Thomas Hardy: A Beginner's Guide [Page]
Thomas Hardy: A Beginner's Guide
Hardy and St George's Day by Tracy Hayes [Page]
The 23rd of April is celebrated in England as St. George's Day, when Mummers perform the play of St George and the Dragon, and there is cider drinking and revelry.
The Thomas Hardy Archives at the DHC [News]
The raw materials of research and discovery
National Parks help improve young people’s health and life chances [Page]
Support for Dorset National Park
The New Hardy Tree [News]
On Friday 12 April 2024 at about 11am a small group of people gathered in Old St Pancras churchyard in north London. The event, organised by Camden Council, was the planting of a replacement for the famous Hardy Tree which collapsed overnight on 27 December 2022.
One hundred letters sent to Thomas Hardy made public for the first time [News]
Thomas Hardy’s position as one of Britain’s preeminent writers meant he received thousands of letters from fans, friends and members of the public to express their admiration or enlist his support.
A Tribute to Professor Rosemarie Morgan [News]
R.I.P. Colleague, Mentor, Friend
Inspired by Thomas Hardy - Students' Poetry Workshops [News]
An article published in Dorset Year Book 2020
The Short Stories of Thomas Hardy: An Appraisal [Page]
A Monograph by Patrick Tolfree - Edited and with an Introduction by Phillip Mallett
Hardy/Larkin Conference Weekend [News]
A conference held at Kingston Maurward to celebrate Philip Larkin's birthday and the 70th anniversary of his Hardy pilgrimage
2019 THS Study Day [Page]
2019 marked the 145th anniversary of the publication of Far From the Madding Crowd
Time, Memory and Emotion in The Trumpet-Major - Andrew Hewitt [Page]
Time, Memory and Emotion in The Trumpet-Major
FAQ [Page]
Frequently Asked Questions about Thomas Hardy
Hardy's Silly Soldiers - Tracy Hayes [Page]
Hardy's Silly Soldiers
What is Learning? [Page]
An article written for the London Progressive Journal by THS Academic Director Dr Faysal Mikdadi
A Ridge in Wessex: South Dorset During the Napoleonic Wars - Andrew North and Mark North [Page]
A Ridge in Wessex: South Dorset During the Napoleonic Wars
The Trumpet-Major: A Happy Wessex Pastoral Romance or a Clumsy Historical Narrative? - Faysal Mikdadi [Page]
The Trumpet-Major: A Happy Wessex Pastoral Romance or a Clumsy Historical Narrative?
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- Tess Of The D Urbervilles
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- Hardy Novels
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- Thomas Hardy Walks
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