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Looking for "wessex heights"
'Wessex Heights – Thomas Hardy and Romanticism' [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Lecture by Dr Tony Fincham
Commemorative Merchandise [News]
You may have noticed that we have designed a special logo for this year, celebrating 50 years of the Thomas Hardy Society.
Exploring Thomas Hardy's Wessex [Event]
A lecture by Dr Tony Fincham as part of the Salisbury Literary Festival
Annual Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Thomas Hardy's Tomb [News]
In a poignant annual tradition, a gathering of some dozens assembled at Westminster Abbey on the 13th of January to pay homage to Thomas Hardy, whose ashes, along with a sprinkling of Wessex soil, rest in Poets’ Corner.
Wessex Songs [Event]
100 years of Thomas Hardy, come on a journey with Thomas Hardy
Tatterdemalion and Tim Laycock - 'Satires of Circumstance' [Event]
A Musical Performance of a Treasured Volume of Hardy Poetry for the Thomas Hardy Society Conference and Festival 2021
Wessex Museums 1: Dorset Museum [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Event
Wessex and Hardy [News]
Wessex and Hardy. A new play written for our venues by Ann Davidson with traditional music and costume, well-loved works and hidden gems, our players bring to life this onward march.
Wessex Superstitions [Event]
A Talk for Wessex Museums by Owen Davies
Wessex Museums 3: Salisbury Museum [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Event
Hardy's Wessex [Page]
Hardy's Wessex
Exhibition Concept Developer - Thomas Hardy, Wessex Museums Partnership [News]
As part of our National Portfolio Organisation programme, the Wessex Museums Partnership will deliver a major exhibition on the life and work of Thomas Hardy in the summer of 2021
Edward Bourne - Drawing Hardyland [Event]
A Presentation of Drawings Inspired by Hardy's Wessex
A History of English Poesy [Page]
An original poem by Edward Black
Wessex Museums Crowdfunder Appeal [News]
Become Part of Hardy's History!
Wessex Museums 4: Wiltshire Museum Devizes [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Event
Hardy's Hand of Fate [Event]
Hardy's Hand of Fate
Call for Papers: Wessex - Landscapes, Histories and Identities [News]
Seeking Contributions for a new volume on Wessex
Far From the Madding Crowd [Event]
Celebrating film and fiction in Wessex, and especially the Far From the Madding Crowd films of 1967 and 2015, this tour led by the THS's Sue Clarke
'Hardy's Wessex' Dorset Museum Volunteers Wanted [News]
Landscapes that Inspired a Writer
Thomas Hardy Exhibition Project Curator [News]
Wessex Museums Partnership is looking for a Project Curator to lead on the development and delivery of a major temporary exhibition about the life of Thomas Hardy, opening in May 2021.
Hardy and Gothic Wessex [Event]
A Weekend Conference Featuring Dorset's Darker Side!
‘Woman much missed’: The Chosen by Elizabeth Lowry [Event]
An Online Talk for Wessex Museums
A guided walk with Chairman and Academic Director of the Thomas Hardy Society, Mark Damon Chutter, through Dorchester and Fordington to explore the world of architect, writer and poet Thomas Hardy
What lies beneath Max Gate? [Event]
Wessex Museums, in partnership with National Trust and HengeFest
Tess, a feminist vision of Thomas Hardy's classic novel [Event]
Tess uses the original text combined with the physical language of circus, allowing the performers to retell the well-known story of power, loss and endurance through a feminist lens.
2020 THS Study Day [Page]
2020 marked the 150th anniversary of the publication of The Trumpet-Major
[CANCELLED] Darkest Wessex: Hardy and the Gothic Short Story [Event]
A Hardy Country Series Lecture by Dr Tracy Hayes
Resources [Page]
Mary and Kate Hardy: Salisbury, Wessex and Beyond [Event]
A THS Conference Book Signing and Q&A with authors Ann Johns and Jenny Head
'Fallen Wessex: Hardy's Subversion of Milton's Paradise Lost' [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Lecture by Dr Tracy Hayes
The 26th International Thomas Hardy Conference and Festival [Event]
The 26th International Thomas Hardy Conference and Festival
A Hedgehog Hospital for Dorset [News]
The raffle at the 2024 Conference Dinner was in aid of hedgehog conservation. After discussion about the possible impact the Hardys’ unruly terrier, Wessex, might have had on Hardy’s description of the Max Gate hedgehogs as being ‘furtive’, £204.32p was raised
Thomas Hardy's Wessex [Event]
A Three-Night Tour of Discovery and Inspiration
FAQ [Page]
Frequently Asked Questions about Thomas Hardy
Thomas Hardy and Sylvia Townsend Warner: Wessex Writers [Event]
Thomas Hardy and Sylvia Townsend Warner: Wessex Writers
The Wessex Dramas Project [News]
Thomas Hardy's stories as films and podcasts. Here is the first copy of what is now our quarterly newsletter.
Postcards [Page]
A Postcard of your visit to Hardy Country
The 2018 London Lecture [Event]
The 2018 London Lecture will be on Thursday 8th November, at Birkbeck College, in Malet Street.
The Fiddler of the Reels [Event]
A tour led by Dr Tony Fincham, this will be a musical exploration of the territory where Mop Ollamoor exercised his acoustic magnetism over Car'line Aspent:
Thomas Hardy Country Fair [Event]
Thomas Hardy Country Fair at Kingston Maurward from 12 noon onwards on Sunday 15th July 2018
Make Your Voice Heard! Support STAND! Save Hardy's Wessex! [News]
Oppose Cultural Vandalism!
On the Cusp of Change [Event]
Ann Davidson with Newbury Dramatic Society - WESSEX AND HARDY: on the cusp of change. The essence of Hardy’s loves and passions, his regrets and melancholy is captured here in a skilfully written new play by Ann Davidson
Wessex Love Songs - Created by Arthur Keegan [News]
Celebrating Hardy's Poetry and Music
Egdon Heath [Page]
Egdon Heath Dorset - Thomas Hardy Country
Join [Page]
THS Conference & Festival Sunday Service [Event]
Led by the Reverend Canon Edward Probert
Hardy's Wessex Under Threat! [News]
Proposed North of Dorchester Development
Thomas Hardy: Wessex Love Songs [Event]
Music in Country Churches - Minchinhampton
William Barnes and Thomas Hardy: Study Day [Event]
The Barnes Society and the Thomas Hardy Society are pleased to present a joint study day on Saturday 26th October
London Lecture 2024 [News]
London Lecture 2024: ‘Friends Beyond : Barnes, Moule, Hardy and Fordington Vicarage’.
Timeline [Page]
Hardy Perennials by Brenda Sharp [Page]
An original dedication
About [Page]
The Thomas Hardy Society is an educational Charity founded in 1968 with the intention of promoting public knowledge and understanding of the life and works of the Dorset poet and novelist to anyone with an interest in Thomas Hardy anywhere in the world.
Far From the Madding Crowd - THS Study Day 2019 [Event]
2019 will mark the 145th anniversary of the publication of Far From the Madding Crowd.
The Trumpet-Major THS Study Day 2020 CHANGE OF VENUE! [Event]
Hardy’s Purbeck: Eliza Nicholls & Ethelberta [Event]
The Hand of Ethelberta & A Pair of Blue Eyes
[POSTPONED] The Trumpet-Major Study Day [Event]
Marking the 140th anniversary of the publication of Hardy's novel.
Two Crusted Characters [Event]
A Drawing and Painting Workshop from Life by Gillian Lacey
A Hardy Larkin Weekend [Event]
A joint study weekend with the Philip Larkin Society with talks by experts from both societies and walks, including a reconstruction of Larkin’s 1976 visit to Dorchester with Monica Jones.
The Mellstock Quire [Event]
Presented by The Estuary Players
STAND and Thomas Hardy Society Walk Report [News]
A walk to discover how much beautiful Wessex countryside will be lost
Short stories [Page]
Short stories
Hardy and Milton: Subverting Paradise Lost [Event]
A Mirthy Group Lecture by Tracy Hayes
The Thomas Hardy Society Conference and Festival 2022 [Event]
Registration is Open!
Dorchester Through the Lens of Thomas Hardy [Event]
A Talk by THS Chairman Mark Chutter Hosted by Dorset Museum
Thomas Hardy Victorian Fair 2023 [Event]
A Dorset Celebration!
Thomas Hardy and T.E. Lawrence - Their Friendship and Milieu [Event]
A Joint Society Day Hosted by the Thomas Hardy Society and the T.E. Lawrence Society
Thomas Hardy Lecture Series [Event]
Free Lectures Hosted by Mirthy Online Community
The Short Stories of Thomas Hardy: An Appraisal [Page]
A Monograph by Patrick Tolfree - Edited and with an Introduction by Phillip Mallett
Friends Beyond - Barnes, Moule and Hardy [Event]
A Lecture by Mark Chutter
Save the Area North of Dorchester! [Event]
A Public Meeting to Save Hardy's Countryside
A Visit to Bathsheba Everdene's House [Page]
Cassam Jany visits Waterston Manor
The Folio Society - Collected Poems by Thomas Hardy [News]
Selected and introduced by Robert Macfarlane, Illustrated by Stanley Donwood
Hardy's Wessex Once Again Under Threat! [News]
The STAND Committee have uncovered a deception which could lead to 30 000 homes being built on top of Far From the Madding Crowd land.
STAND Says: Save Our Green Fields! [News]
Say NO to 4000 Homes on Hardy's Landscape!
The Dynasts: A Thomas Hardy Society Study Day [Event]
The Dynasts is a drama in verse and prose by Thomas Hardy. Hardy himself described this work as ‘an epic-drama of the war with Napoleon, in three parts, nineteen acts and one hundred and thirty scenes’.
A Modern Hardy Pilgrimage by Nancy Powell [News]
As published in The Belting Zodiac
Save Our Countryside! [News]
Take a Walk for STAND (Save the Area North of Dorchester) - Developers want to build an urban area larger than Poundbury on Hardy’s
Far From the Madding Crowd country.
Hardy/Larkin Conference Weekend [News]
A conference held at Kingston Maurward to celebrate Philip Larkin's birthday and the 70th anniversary of his Hardy pilgrimage
Thomas Hardy Society Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Westminster Abbey [News]
A Review by Mark Chutter
Thomas Hardy and Religion at Sarum College [Event]
A Day Course Led by Richard Franklin
'Hardy and Heritage' - An International Conference [Event]
A CFP from FATHOM - The French Association for Thomas Hardy Studies
Westminster Abbey Anniversary Wreath-Laying 2023 [News]
A review by THS Chairman Mark Chutter
Links [Page]
Links to Societies promoting Thomas Hardy
Thomas Hardy: Fate, Exclusion and Tragedy [News]
A Brand New Sky Arts Documentary for September
The Life and Times of Thomas Hardy - Three Lectures [Event]
A Fund-Raising Event for the Dorset History Centre Hardy Collection
2019 [Page]
Minutes from the 2019 AGM and details of Accounts
The Dynasts Study Day [Page]
The Dynasts is indeed both a rattling good history by a melioristic pacifist and a work of epic proportions!
Thomas Hardy and Tess at Sturminster Newton Literary Festival 2023 [Event]
Featuring 'The Second Mrs Clare' by Michael Langridge - sequel to 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles'
Notice of Thomas Hardy Society AGM [Event]
Agenda and Minutes of the Last Meeting
Thomas Hardy Society visit to Stourhead [News]
The Thomas Hardy Society visited Stourhead on Saturday, 28th September, with a private viewing of the original letters
Hardy and Shakespeare by Tracy Hayes [Page]
Thomas Hardy's relationship with Shakespeare began at a relatively early age. At 13, while attending Isaac Last's school, he had already read all of Shakespeare's tragedies
When I set out for Lyonnesse [Event]
When I set out for Lyonnesse, One hundred and fifty years ago. A celebration of Thomas Hardy’s first visit to Cornwall in March 1870
The Beginning - A Joint Conference Between the Dylan Thomas Society and the Thomas Hardy Society [Event]
The Beginning - A Joint Conference Between the Dylan Thomas Society and the Thomas Hardy Society
The Trumpet-Major: A Happy Wessex Pastoral Romance or a Clumsy Historical Narrative? - Faysal Mikdadi [Page]
The Trumpet-Major: A Happy Wessex Pastoral Romance or a Clumsy Historical Narrative?
The Real Woman Behind Tess of the d’Urbervilles [Event]
An Online Talk with Rose Wallis, Edwina Grosvenor and Angelique Richardson
2019 THS Study Day [Page]
2019 marked the 145th anniversary of the publication of Far From the Madding Crowd
Thomas Hardy: A Beginner's Guide [Page]
Thomas Hardy: A Beginner's Guide
Hardy and Lockdown by Tracy Hayes [Page]
Hardy and Lockdown
THOMAS HARDY AND SYLVIA TOWNSEND WARNER STUDY WEEKEND IN DORCHESTER, 10-11 FEBRUARY 2024. The study weekend organised jointly by the Thomas Hardy Society and Sylvia Townsend Warner Society, led off on Saturday 10th Feb with a day-long mini-conference in the Learning Room of Dorchester Library
Life [Page]
Thomas Hardy
Twenty-Fourth International Thomas Hardy Conference and Festival - 2021 [Event]
The rescheduled conference IS STILL GOING AHEAD!
A Ridge in Wessex: South Dorset During the Napoleonic Wars - Andrew North and Mark North [Page]
A Ridge in Wessex: South Dorset During the Napoleonic Wars
Unsung Heroes of HardyLand - Margaret Marande [Page]
A series celebrating the individuals who work behind the scenes to provide us with unique Hardyan experiences.
Best and Worst Poems of Thomas Hardy [Page]
A Blog by Thomas Tyrrell on Hardy's Poetic Oeuvre
Call for Papers: 'Green Hardy' [News]
FATHOM (French Association for Thomas Hardy Studies) Seeks Submissions
A Thomas Hardy Society Book Review by Dr Tracy Hayes
The Short Stories of Thomas Hardy Chapter 4: Death, Dying and the Macabre [Page]
By Patrick Tolfree
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- Events In Salisbury
- Next Conference
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- Thomas Hardy And The Boer War
- Hardy Players
- Tess Walk
- Thomas Hardy Poems
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