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Looking for "wolfeton house"
The Strange House [Event]
A walk from the United Church, Dorchester, to Max Gate where John Hayes (National Trust house manager) will give a talk about the house
Max Gate, Hardy's House [Event]
Max Gate, Hardy's House - Visit Thomas Hardy's House
The Manor House, Places to Stay [News]
The Manor has up to nine bedrooms, a large kitchen with a large electric oven, four generous-sized reception rooms, and fantastic dining space.
Stourhead House and Gardens Trip [Event]
Tucked away in the books in a library at Stourhead are the letters and postcards that map the 25-year friendship between Lady Alda Hoare and the great man of literature Thomas Hardy.
Fiddling Folk: A Music and Dancing Walk [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Event
THS Fundraiser with Lord & Lady Fellowes of West Stafford [Event]
A Champagne Reception at Stafford House
Save Our Countryside! [News]
Take a Walk for STAND (Save the Area North of Dorchester) - Developers want to build an urban area larger than Poundbury on Hardy’s
Far From the Madding Crowd country.
Fordington Vicarage [Page]
St. Osmund, Bishop of Salisbury, was given Salisbury Field by his royal uncle, William the Conqueror, in the 11th century. Fordington vicarage was built in 1222 and demolished in 1971 to make way for social housing.
Christmas at Athelhampton [Event]
Come and have a guided tour of all of the Hardy connections with this Tudor building. There will be a tour and walk followed by an afternoon tea. Meet at Athelhampton at 12 noon on Saturday 21 December.
Dorchester Literary Festival | A Walk Around Dorchester in the Footsteps of Thomas Hardy [Event]
Dorchester Literary Festival | A Walk Around Dorchester in the Footsteps of Thomas Hardy
A Visit to Bathsheba Everdene's House [Page]
Cassam Jany visits Waterston Manor
Celebrate Hardy's Birthday at Hardy's Cottage! [Event]
Tours, Cake and Lemonade at Bockhampton.
Mellstock [Page]
Mellstock Dorset - Thomas Hardy Country
Dorset Opera Festival: Under the Greenwood Tree [Event]
To celebrate their 50th anniversary in 2024, Dorset Opera has commissioned an opera based on Thomas Hardy’s enchanting tale,
Under The Greenwood Tree.
Mellstock Poems Walk [Event]
Meet at Thorncombe Wood Car Park (NGR SY724922) for a gentle four mile walk through the heart of Hardy Country
STAND and Thomas Hardy Society Walk Report [News]
A walk to discover how much beautiful Wessex countryside will be lost
Hardy's Wessex Under Threat! [News]
Proposed North of Dorchester Development
Neolithic site found under Max Gate [News]
A Neolithic site discovered under author Thomas Hardy’s house has been protected as a scheduled monument. The circular enclosure is almost 100 metres in diameter and comprises ditches and pits.
Dates for your Diary [Event]
Dates for your diary
Purchase of New Hardy Letter [News]
The Thomas Hardy Society in conjunction with the Dorset History Centre have purchased a newly discovered letter by Hardy
Going the Rounds 2023 - Sold Out [Event]
SOLD OUT - Going the Rounds 2023
Stinsford and North Dorchester Walk [Event]
In conjunction with STAND (Save the Area North of Dorchester)
Hardy and Valentine's Day by Tracy Hayes [Page]
The most famous instance of a Valentine appearing in Hardy's works is of course the chapter 'Sortes Sanctorum' in Far From the Madding Crowd.
New Hardy Players Donate to Local Charities During These Challenging Times [News]
Thousands of pounds donated to Food Banks and Poverty Action
Obituary for Helga Schulz [News]
A Dedication to a Life-Long Lover of Hardy
2019 [Page]
Minutes from the 2019 AGM and details of Accounts
A guided walk with Chairman and Academic Director of the Thomas Hardy Society, Mark Damon Chutter, through Dorchester and Fordington to explore the world of architect, writer and poet Thomas Hardy
THS Birthday Weekend [News]
It was an extremely successful weekend - the weather was glorious. Richard delivered a brilliant sermon regarding Hardy at the service at Stinsford.
THOMAS HARDY AND SYLVIA TOWNSEND WARNER STUDY WEEKEND IN DORCHESTER, 10-11 FEBRUARY 2024. The study weekend organised jointly by the Thomas Hardy Society and Sylvia Townsend Warner Society, led off on Saturday 10th Feb with a day-long mini-conference in the Learning Room of Dorchester Library
Gender and Hardy [Event]
A Talk for Salisbury Museum by Dr Tracy Hayes
Thomas Hardy Confidential [Event]
A fascinating fresh appreciation of a great writer and the people and places he immortalised.
Going The Rounds 2021 [Event]
A Biennial THS Event in Conjunction with Tim Laycock and Dorset Musicians
Unsung Heroes of HardyLand - Andy Worth [Page]
A series celebrating the individuals who work behind the scenes to provide us with unique Hardyan experiences.
Dorchester Vintage Bus and Coach Running Day [Event]
WHOTT Celebrates Under the Greenwood Tree
Hardy's Birthday Weekend Celebrations [Event]
A celebration of Hardy's 179th birthday
Thomas Hardy and T.E. Lawrence - Their Friendship and Milieu [Event]
A Joint Society Day Hosted by the Thomas Hardy Society and the T.E. Lawrence Society
What I Really Think of My Husband [Event]
What I Really Think of My Husband examines the life of one of the most celebrated British writers of all times; from the tortuous nature of the man himself, the trials and tribulations of his two wives, Emma and Florence, to the legacy of his literary genius.
The Wessex Dramas Project [News]
Thomas Hardy's stories as films and podcasts. Here is the first copy of what is now our quarterly newsletter.
A Walk Through Hardy's Heartland [Event]
A guided walk through Hardy's heartland led by THS expert Susan Clarke
Hardy Meets M.R. James: An Evening of Ghosts and Gothic [Event]
A special performance for the Thomas Hardy Society Conference and Festival 2021
Dorset Life on Film [Event]
A new celebratory show of old Dorset films from the archive of Windrose Rural Media Trust
A Review of the Inspired By Thomas Hardy Poetry Anthologies [News]
By Richard House - Self & Society: An International Journal for Humanistic Psychology
What lies beneath Max Gate? [Event]
Wessex Museums, in partnership with National Trust and HengeFest
Thomas Hardy Country Fair [Event]
Thomas Hardy Country Fair at Kingston Maurward from 12 noon onwards on Sunday 15th July 2018
STAND Says: Save Our Green Fields! [News]
Say NO to 4000 Homes on Hardy's Landscape!
Exploring Hardy's Upwey [Event]
Walk, Talk and AGM
The Dynasts: A Thomas Hardy Society Study Day [Event]
The Dynasts is a drama in verse and prose by Thomas Hardy. Hardy himself described this work as ‘an epic-drama of the war with Napoleon, in three parts, nineteen acts and one hundred and thirty scenes’.
[CANCELLED] Darkest Wessex: Hardy and the Gothic Short Story [Event]
A Hardy Country Series Lecture by Dr Tracy Hayes
Thomas Hardy Poetry Group Goes Online [News]
A successful move from physical to virtual appreciation.
Thomas Hardy Society visit to Stourhead [News]
The Thomas Hardy Society visited Stourhead on Saturday, 28th September, with a private viewing of the original letters
'Hardy the Novel Character: Recreations of the Author in Three Modern Works of Fiction' [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Lecture by Professor Paul Niemeyer
DORCHESTER HERITAGE OPEN DAY - Mary Channing and Martha Brown Walk - Dorchester Old and New Talk and Walk with Steve Wallis - Free Guided Tours - Free Exhibitions and much more!
Make Your Voice Heard! Support STAND! Save Hardy's Wessex! [News]
Oppose Cultural Vandalism!
Important Thomas Hardy Correspondence Purchase [News]
Important letter will guarantee long-term access to Archives
Solar Park Threatens Hardy Country [News]
A Park the size of 140 football pitches is planned
A Hardy Family History Research Trip [Page]
Val Weedon researches her family connections to Thomas Hardy
A Modern Hardy Pilgrimage by Nancy Powell [News]
As published in The Belting Zodiac
A Thomas Hardy Christmas Quiz! [News]
Hardy 100 Years Ago - by Rod Drew
Thomas Hardy's Wessex [Event]
A Three-Night Tour of Discovery and Inspiration
Links [Page]
Links to Societies promoting Thomas Hardy
Unsung Heroes of HardyLand - Mike Nixon [Page]
A series celebrating the individuals who work behind the scenes to provide us with unique Hardyan experiences.
The New Hardy Tree [News]
On Friday 12 April 2024 at about 11am a small group of people gathered in Old St Pancras churchyard in north London. The event, organised by Camden Council, was the planting of a replacement for the famous Hardy Tree which collapsed overnight on 27 December 2022.
Hardy and Lockdown by Tracy Hayes [Page]
Hardy and Lockdown
FAQ [Page]
Frequently Asked Questions about Thomas Hardy
Our Partners [Page]
Learn more about the Hardy Country initiative partners
Thomas Hardy and the May Day Festival by Tracy Hayes [Page]
The first day of May marks the onset of warm weather and fertility in Nature, celebrated in festivals such as the Cerealia, involving club-walking and dancing around a beribboned Maypole.
Hardy and Gothic Wessex [Event]
A Weekend Conference Featuring Dorset's Darker Side!
The Short Stories of Thomas Hardy: An Appraisal [Page]
A Monograph by Patrick Tolfree - Edited and with an Introduction by Phillip Mallett
Time, Memory and Emotion in The Trumpet-Major - Andrew Hewitt [Page]
Time, Memory and Emotion in The Trumpet-Major
Thomas Hardy Society Conference 2010 Report by Brenda Parry [Page]
Brenda's highlights of the 2010 Conference
The Short Stories of Thomas Hardy Chapter 4: Death, Dying and the Macabre [Page]
By Patrick Tolfree
Notice of Thomas Hardy Society AGM [Event]
Agenda and Minutes of the Last Meeting
Life [Page]
Thomas Hardy
A Ridge in Wessex: South Dorset During the Napoleonic Wars - Andrew North and Mark North [Page]
A Ridge in Wessex: South Dorset During the Napoleonic Wars
The Dynasts Study Day [Page]
The Dynasts is indeed both a rattling good history by a melioristic pacifist and a work of epic proportions!
A Tribute to Professor Rosemarie Morgan [News]
R.I.P. Colleague, Mentor, Friend
Hardy's Silly Soldiers - Tracy Hayes [Page]
Hardy's Silly Soldiers
Say No to [News]
Come and join us in Dorchester tomorrow (Saturday, April 27th) as we continue our campaign against the proposal to build 4,000 houses and a new link road on farmland overlooking the town centre.
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