Thomas Hardy Victorian Fair 2021
A Mixture of Online and Interactive Activities and Presentations
6th June 2021, from 11am to 4pm, Dorchester, Dorset
This year’s Thomas Hardy Victorian Fair will be mostly online. Dorchester’s heritage organisations are collaborating on a special presentation “Thomas Hardy’s Casterbridge – Dorchester Through Town” which will go live at 11am on Sunday, 6th June 2021.
There will be some live events on the day, including guided tours of Dorchester, a Victorian food market, a live lunchtime performance by Tatterdemalion and craft demonstrations in Shire Hall. Social distancing will be in place with ticketed places for limited numbers. Find out more about THVF2021 on the website
Starts 09:00 until 18:00
Starts 12:00
Starts 12:00 until 19:30
Starts 12:00 until 14:00