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Looking for "max gate"
Poetry on the Lawn at Max Gate [Event]
Poetry, Story and Song with the New Hardy Players
The Strange House [Event]
A walk from the United Church, Dorchester, to Max Gate where John Hayes (National Trust house manager) will give a talk about the house
Max Gate, Hardy's House [Event]
Max Gate, Hardy's House - Visit Thomas Hardy's House
Neolithic site found under Max Gate [News]
A Neolithic site discovered under author Thomas Hardy’s house has been protected as a scheduled monument. The circular enclosure is almost 100 metres in diameter and comprises ditches and pits.
A Walk Through Hardy's Heartland [Event]
A guided walk through Hardy's heartland led by THS expert Susan Clarke
What lies beneath Max Gate? [Event]
Wessex Museums, in partnership with National Trust and HengeFest
The Old Neighbour and the New [Event]
Tony Fincham will be joined by Thomas Hardy and William Barnes experts Alistair Chisholm and Brian Caddy for a 2.5 mile walk in Hardy's footsteps across the fields to Winterborne Came Church
Visiting Hardy's Houses [Page]
The Kersley-Allinson family visit Max Gate and Bockhampton
A Hedgehog Hospital for Dorset [News]
The raffle at the 2024 Conference Dinner was in aid of hedgehog conservation. After discussion about the possible impact the Hardys’ unruly terrier, Wessex, might have had on Hardy’s description of the Max Gate hedgehogs as being ‘furtive’, £204.32p was raised
Tea at the Athenaeum Club [Event]
Tea at the Athenaeum Club
Celebrate Hardy's Birthday at Hardy's Cottage! [Event]
Tours, Cake and Lemonade at Bockhampton.
Hardy & Archaeology: The Shadow on the Stone [Event]
Hardy uncovered a sarsen stone at Max Gate in 1891
The Destruction of My England [Page]
An original short poem by Edward Black
Thomas Hardy and T.E. Lawrence - Their Friendship and Milieu [Event]
A Joint Society Day Hosted by the Thomas Hardy Society and the T.E. Lawrence Society
Postcards [Page]
A Postcard of your visit to Hardy Country
A New Book Featuring Thomas Hardy and William Barnes [News]
A collection of short stories by Jim Potts
Thomas Hardy and Sylvia Townsend Warner: Wessex Writers [Event]
Thomas Hardy and Sylvia Townsend Warner: Wessex Writers
THOMAS HARDY AND SYLVIA TOWNSEND WARNER STUDY WEEKEND IN DORCHESTER, 10-11 FEBRUARY 2024. The study weekend organised jointly by the Thomas Hardy Society and Sylvia Townsend Warner Society, led off on Saturday 10th Feb with a day-long mini-conference in the Learning Room of Dorchester Library
The Thomas Hardy Archives at the DHC [News]
The raw materials of research and discovery
The National Trust and Mr Hardy's Legacy [Event]
How the National Trust tell Hardy's stories through his properties
In Memory of Dr Faysal Mikdadi [News]
Commemorating the Loss of a Very Special Individual
Timeline [Page]
The Coppice Gate [Page]
An original poem by Brenda Sharp
Thomas Hardy Creativity Competition [News]
A Student Competition in Conjunction with the Thomas Hardy Victorian Fair
2016 THS Conference [Page]
Celebrating 130 years since the publication of The Mayor of Casterbridge
Thomas Hardy Confidential [Event]
A fascinating fresh appreciation of a great writer and the people and places he immortalised.
Fordington Vicarage Receives Blue Plaque [News]
Celebrating Hardy's Great Friends the Moule Family
Hardy's Wessex [Page]
Hardy's Wessex
Andrew Norman Discusses Latest Book [News]
On Saturday evening, Andrew Norman presented and discussed his latest book, Thomas Hardy and the Death of Emma - What the Writings Reveal, at Waterstones. The Thomas Hardy Society and Waterstones organised this official book launch.
Fordington Vicarage [Page]
St. Osmund, Bishop of Salisbury, was given Salisbury Field by his royal uncle, William the Conqueror, in the 11th century. Fordington vicarage was built in 1222 and demolished in 1971 to make way for social housing.
Hardy and Architecture Study Day [Event]
Discover how Thomas Hardy was inspired by his love of Architecture
Inspired by Thomas Hardy - An Anthology of Students’ Works 2020 [News]
The latest anthology of work inspired by Hardy - edited by Dr Faysal Mikdadi
R.I.P. Rose Swann [News]
Beloved Wife of Furse and Dear Friend to all Hardyans
Thomas Hardy Society visit to Stourhead [News]
The Thomas Hardy Society visited Stourhead on Saturday, 28th September, with a private viewing of the original letters
HERITAGE OPEN DAYS 10th – 19th September 2021 ‘Edible England’ [News]
Hardy and St George's Day by Tracy Hayes [Page]
The 23rd of April is celebrated in England as St. George's Day, when Mummers perform the play of St George and the Dragon, and there is cider drinking and revelry.
Unsung Heroes of HardyLand - Andy Worth [Page]
A series celebrating the individuals who work behind the scenes to provide us with unique Hardyan experiences.
Hardy/Larkin Conference Weekend [News]
A conference held at Kingston Maurward to celebrate Philip Larkin's birthday and the 70th anniversary of his Hardy pilgrimage
New Thomas Hardy book on his 'problematic' marriage [News]
A NEW book on Thomas Hardy asks why his marriage was so 'problematical'
Thomas Hardy Society Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Westminster Abbey [News]
A Review by Mark Chutter
William Barnes and Thomas Hardy: Study Day [Event]
The Barnes Society and the Thomas Hardy Society are pleased to present a joint study day on Saturday 26th October
Thomas Hardy Poetry Group Goes Online [News]
A successful move from physical to virtual appreciation.
Westminster Abbey Anniversary Wreath-Laying 2023 [News]
A review by THS Chairman Mark Chutter
Thomas Hardy Society Conference 2010 Report by Brenda Parry [Page]
Brenda's highlights of the 2010 Conference
'Hardy the Novel Character: Recreations of the Author in Three Modern Works of Fiction' [Event]
A THS Conference/Festival Lecture by Professor Paul Niemeyer
Great Things [Page]
An original musical score by Wasyl Sydorenko, with words by Thomas Hardy
A Hardy Family History Research Trip [Page]
Val Weedon researches her family connections to Thomas Hardy
Life [Page]
Thomas Hardy
Obituary for Helga Schulz [News]
A Dedication to a Life-Long Lover of Hardy
A Thomas Hardy Christmas Quiz! [News]
Hardy 100 Years Ago - by Rod Drew
Hardy and Shakespeare by Tracy Hayes [Page]
Thomas Hardy's relationship with Shakespeare began at a relatively early age. At 13, while attending Isaac Last's school, he had already read all of Shakespeare's tragedies
Hardy’s Purbeck: Eliza Nicholls & Ethelberta [Event]
The Hand of Ethelberta & A Pair of Blue Eyes
Thomas Hardy's Wessex [Event]
A Three-Night Tour of Discovery and Inspiration
Links [Page]
Links to Societies promoting Thomas Hardy
Thomas Hardy: A Beginner's Guide [Page]
Thomas Hardy: A Beginner's Guide
Tess of the D'Urbervilles at Maumbury Rings [Event]
A Dorchester Arts Production
Hardy and Lockdown by Tracy Hayes [Page]
Hardy and Lockdown
The 26th International Thomas Hardy Conference and Festival [Event]
The 26th International Thomas Hardy Conference and Festival
THS 2020 Conference Call For Papers [News]
Far From the Madding Crowd at The Redgrave Theatre [Event]
A new production by the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School
Unveiling the new Hardy Memorial Stone at Westminster Abbey [News]
On Saturday 18th May the new Hardy Memorial stone was unveiled at Westminster Abbey, with a dedication by Professor Claire Tomalin
Purchase of New Hardy Letter [News]
The Thomas Hardy Society in conjunction with the Dorset History Centre have purchased a newly discovered letter by Hardy
Save Our Dorchester, Save Your County Town! [News]
Stop the development of 4000 on the Water Meadows!
Unsung Heroes of HardyLand - Margaret Marande [Page]
A series celebrating the individuals who work behind the scenes to provide us with unique Hardyan experiences.
A Thomas Hardy Society Book Review by Dr Tracy Hayes
Inspired by Thomas Hardy - Students' Poetry Workshops [News]
An article published in Dorset Year Book 2020
Jumping the turnstiles of Chance and Coincidence [News]
Laying the Wreath of Prayers at Westminster Abbey…
Twenty-Fourth International Thomas Hardy Conference and Festival - 2021 [Event]
The rescheduled conference IS STILL GOING AHEAD!
The Short Stories of Thomas Hardy Chapter 4: Death, Dying and the Macabre [Page]
By Patrick Tolfree
Going The Rounds 2025 - Parish Performance [Event]
Going the Rounds 2025 - Friday's performance includes walking the parish
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